txP rpaesap ot hvea esulMc icasisptty sa a eturls fo .MS iptcsaySti is rteadet whti a elsmcu xaalnter ilek efoBlacn ihcwh is a ABGA ni.otsga haBnecalot is a ilmotohciCnimen wihhc nca be esud to rttae nyriUar duontcfnsyi in lliMetpu ss.leoircs ubt eth situoQne kssa tahw udlwo pehl rtate eht tctasyii.ps
txP aaepprs to vhea csleMu csaitiystp as a urstle fo .SM pSittaiscy si dareett with a mulsec lertaxna keli lBoafnce hchiw is a AGBA g.nsoiat ltecoahBna si a hmnmciilotneCio wcihh anc eb seud ot ertat aynirrU ydnusotncfi in tlpiMelu l.risscseo tub eth tniuQseo ssak thaw uwldo hple etart hte i.ctpysatsi
Tsih peitnat npsteser wthi myspomst fo ltMipeul oesSlc.sri nTtatreem is sa o:wsflol
riisdPytemgnoi is an eiacahrstceoyelsnel othibrini sude ogln mret fro MG .e)cSty(kh Put gosrmyietiidnp sa ym asnrwe auceesb it does ertat M.S tuB yse bfaoelnc is a calcssi ipansta-ms ugr.d
submitted by โsbryant6(205)
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oT meebmrre fecnBola is a BGAA ontsaiga nda mlcues lan,rxtea I wsayla hintk fo Gekr"e va"kaBal. reekG fro BGA,A dan kaaalBv fro .Blacfeno