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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#48 (reveal difficulty score)
A 29-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Baclofen ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +9  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sbryant6(205)
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oT meebmrre fecnBola is a BGAA ontsaiga nda mlcues lan,rxtea I wsayla hintk fo Gekr"e va"kaBal. reekG fro BGA,A dan kaaalBv fro .Blacfeno

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castlblack klavaaB si ofmr inemarA oghuht. oG us +1
athenathefirst  oN 'tsi aauctyll rikAa.srT/cbuih hta'Ts why i'ts dlleca aBw.aakl +5
lovebug  I on'dt nkow fi sthi is htN.g UiMr snLeoi n(I hist ecsa, M)S ;-g&t rdneascIe ,DRT acedinesr csmelu ipyasct,si dan tydoa .insfI ceflaBno ilamteuts ABAG B o'erc(rsiptet Gi readetl TPN) t;-&g rennou eemboc palyhpeorr ;g&t- deesdacre ryoetixc teagulmt g;t&- eulmcs rxlae. +

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—tinydoc(276)
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txP rpaesap ot hvea esulMc icasisptty sa a eturls fo .MS iptcsaySti is rteadet whti a elsmcu xaalnter ilek efoBlacn ihcwh is a ABGA ni.otsga haBnecalot is a ilmotohciCnimen wihhc nca be esud to rttae nyriUar duontcfnsyi in lliMetpu ss.leoircs ubt eth situoQne kssa tahw udlwo pehl rtate eht

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sbryant6  oT rbmemree eonfclaB is a GAAB otsgian dna ucmsle xlaanetr, I ylsaaw thkni fo eht e"kGre "kaa.avlB kreGe rfo AGAB, aaBklav for a.felocBn +4
sahusema  Ao,sl tacs on AGBA sprteeroc pifelcasclyi ni eth paisnl crod +3

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—tinydoc(276)
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txP aaepprs to vhea csleMu csaitiystp as a urstle fo .SM pSittaiscy si dareett with a mulsec lertaxna keli lBoafnce hchiw is a AGBA g.nsoiat ltecoahBna si a hmnmciilotneCio wcihh anc eb seud ot ertat aynirrU ydnusotncfi in tlpiMelu l.risscseo tub eth tniuQseo ssak thaw uwldo hple etart hte i.ctpysatsi

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athenathefirst  hWy nto amymlncmae?ie +
athenathefirst  Is it eueabsc i'st MS? oS ofr rseu eend a BAAG gtnasoi +
kevin  Neevr rehad of lecyni,mmamea sjut onwk WU dna AF sya nelB,caof GAB-AB ganosti ofr tcsit.psiay 'Its otn llyeso euacseb ts'i ,SM 'sti tsuj eht dgur ehty tnaw us to okwn fro caiypecslifl pitacystis +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—pfebo(13)
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Tsih peitnat npsteser wthi myspomst fo ltMipeul oesSlc.sri nTtatreem is sa o:wsflol

  • seiades oniidfgmy B( e,rnnrieoft ltzuam,baiNa alat)rmgeri
  • etuac lfersa VI( S)drsieto
  • inegonrecu drdalbe oysptmms e(tnotaci,raiehzt iursincmac onisaant)tgs
  • istyapicSt ( aclfeBno, GbABA rreetopc aan)ongtisst
  • pani C(ATs dna anncltsutvosnia)
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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—mamed(25)
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riisdPytemgnoi is an eiacahrstceoyelsnel othibrini sude ogln mret fro MG .e)cSty(kh Put gosrmyietiidnp sa ym asnrwe auceesb it does ertat M.S tuB yse bfaoelnc is a calcssi ipansta-ms ugr.d

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