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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#41 (reveal difficulty score)
A 75-year-old woman comes to the physician's ...
Major depressive disorder ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +14  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—kchakhabar(52)
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siTh oeisqtnu si disgrebinc eltnarmi nmaioi,sn hhwic is nmomco rteehi in DDM or nalomr tOu fo sehot owt DDM is the lyon nhtgi in topoin Ps,lu lod aeg is a rski cfaort fro D.MD

Even hoghut the iuteonsq edso ont cbredsie 5 sotysmpm ddneee ot ondgeasi DD,M DMD is hte oynl galiloc hoicce.

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hungrybox  cltxnelee ,rwnesa haknt uoy +4
l0ud_minority  slAo eht 6 htnosm si nraohet nhgit NMBE lsoev to tets su .no Teh emamfrtei rof hte nelmta r.osiderds +

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—whoissaad(102)
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  • n"eSci oytmmssp can eciensra in srvytiee rndgui hte ,gthni ti oulcd ebemco tfudicilf ot fall lpeaes ro nurtre ot plsee tfrea kignaw up"

  • "SRL si neo of vaeslre dresdisor that acn caesu soiutaxneh and yetiadm ,eeislnsspe chwhi acn gynlstro aeftfc domo, intnrocetanco, obj nda loscoh roen,fmcapre and pnareosl noph.iilsasetr ayMn lpeope tihw SRL perrto eyht ear otefn bulaen ot aecctennrto, heva iireadmp rmey,mo or fali ot imasphoccl yiadl k"sats

  • S"RL rsoccu ni ohbt emn nda emon,w hhagtoul mnweo rae mreo ykeill ot veha ti hnta .nme"

  • "teh tpmyossm alyypclti ocemeb roem eeunfqtr nda tlas roegln ihwt gae."

ecuroS: cmggeh-iCSrdaswepaSvuanslooenceEhdis/iPtoFr/nDnsd-r./iLsengttdeeeetawyeFRehhsc/-i-w-/rai:stot/s.ettt.-vrSnts-

henEiytvgr in hte stme sonpti wsordat erseltss egl r.nemsdyo

lsuP I hugthto oyu eden /95 of hte GIS E CSPA to aongdsie

enSoome pseeal epixaln ):

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peridot  ogThuh gtnhvyeeri lese ift,s ni erdro ot dgneoias RLS oyu deen to ycullaat ehav lge mmosptys cihhw rntea' dbdeescri erhe at a.ll I aeger thta MDD asol sreeuirq a bti of a chstrte cb otn lal fo het isosnigda meersurtnqie era tme chihw si ninn,oayg tbu ta letas eth creo toosncnmpe rae eehtr de(sdaerec ngee,yr elpse absuncei,rtds kacl fo incoct,tan)neor ereawhs eth eorc onetomcpn of LRS s'tin teerh at lal. s'It ielk nwaitgn to idsanoge enoosme wiht a giamrnei auebcse ehty vhea tribalrtiii,y deecdsrae aernoct,cnonti nda a auisvl aaur utb eth seporn nvree neev sida trehi aehd .trhu sIt' ont a targe eniuqots dna I lmeptloyce ssimed MDD sa wll,e tub I cna nakdi see now why 'tsi MDD emro so athn nya of eht retho iceshoc so s'it nidk of a "ubt ichhw is eth STEB "enasrw icoer.ans +2

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—seagull(1933)
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eiepossnDr si rvey nmmcoo ni oderl ina,oupoptsl ecpialesly sm.ealef oommCn oymtsspm fo opseridsne ineudlc SGI E PACS icu(ldignn naosm.i)in iTHs osenqtiu swa ryve uegav tbu neipssdreo asw ddgee tuo beuseca lepse aneap is mero eykill in rgehiwevot dimdle aged e.masl

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hungrybox(1277)
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htoer eawns:rs

  • losyneca:pr ieocAdssta hitw chgyoingpo ro ppnpoyiomch caiatsluiolnhn.
  • oOphyGn ot epels = thgni eitm lnantiaciuohls

  • osxmplaary tcuarnnol dapy:nes PNH si a myelotihc .namaie oN isngs of eyloimhct aainem ,r(maehtaui jnucidea, .dec )loh.agptnoib

  • splee apae:n atecAdisso whti isbyote, oldu oninsrg.

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doingit21  neowdarr dnwo to DDM nad restless gle hnte ecdivnnoc elsfym htat leeryld rae at rheigh ikrs fro DDM tnha R.LS Is ttha lvdia ?noesngiar +2
yb_26  rslmoPyaxa ocnrulnta senadyp = bstsraeleh ekaannigw rmof spl,ee enes in lfet terha et ria.fluI is ont a alyormspxa lcutrnona eoobluagrh.iimn +17
miigs  eB lcaufre of wtah uyo sya dedu myaaxrospl clounntar pesynad si ton het msea yrsxampaol ctranonlu rolgbhiiuoeanm +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by jessica_kaushal(4)
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I ohsce M1 DD): lmtrenai omaniisn 2) cpleNasoyr - momonc ni yguon ldsuat eelansstdco - oals doitasasce whti aimetdy tduexpenec psan trf(ea wchhi hte nrspoe flsee hrsf)e pediest mloarn imgeinht mao.ypxl3lpesars e taclnnoru apednsy is one fo the tisfr sgsin fo dmsaoedtpncee threa ufalire but eht clihpyas natiiamxeon asw mlanor htat sanem on nlug k caslcre.3) icedopri gel nvetosmem doucl be EMR onmheaPne ewreh clmsuse aer nto raedpalys rdngiu RME e4 plI)ne.s epels aaepn the aptnite ahs opor qutlayi of esple tub teonds' awekan

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