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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#42 (reveal difficulty score)
A 27-year-old primigravid woman at 39 weeks' ...
Shoulder dystocia ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by cuthbertallg0od(15)
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9 bl tn'is ttha gbi fo a .bab..y I amde it otu yoa.k Dnyfeitile dvuol'ehs dmea the ybab giegbr ot kmea the rnsewa orme raelc

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swagcabana  reoM than 8 bsl is by neinfdioti ocaoarsmm +1
nifty95  hSwna raretC asw norb eemDrebc tngigWeh h4i in ta 10 updsno 8 souH eecn swa the last fo ym ufor h hlecenrTid ylon eno how dnitd' give em nay naip nwhe I aevg hritb ot hAn mid ht'sta ohw I wekn atht he saw a scpaeli dlhci +9
an_improved_me  eLendg +2
skonys  odhrulSe yacsoitD owl eyk deaply a trpa eon fo het smto eldyda fltiocsnc in y.riosht eaisKr iehlWlm II saw nbor bcreeh nad uffredes DS iwhhc srteuedl ni a aiahbclr slupxe djuerni ihcwh letf shi mra icdrpel.p In spci 'ehs howsn digihn shi ram or anighv ti ppeopdr on a dswro ithl or aenc sa to maek i'st slaml etnhlg nto nareptap btu if yr'euo lkooign for ti it's tpytre iuobosv. He asylaw blamde the Bistirh Dr owh evdeerdil hi.m sHi fraeth adh trohat aerncc nad aws ste,n tgansia miWelhls es,siedr to odsrcto ni hte KU rheew eh ddie. nI plriA 9188 eh dettas ni fruy A"n ghEsinl toodcr dekill m ,rheatf and na nElhsgi ortdco diplercp my amr โ€“ hwhci si teh lftua of my th"more o(hw aws El.)inshg hiTs ntetmeins nocdnueti pu linut a ill wra erobk uor in 9114 +3

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submitted by jotajota94(14)
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hgHi euclosg elasd to moer snliiun ctopunrodi in the stefu ealcrl( ahtt the hooemrn ninluis is oablnica) -g;-&t- glrea fuset z,tb(9-l&og--);1 lmsopebr ni la.obr

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tinydoc  I hohtgut htat aws yelclcantih a pmerlbo whit het usetf and snawt indsderceo na trtboeisc oplicmian.tco +3
shieldmaiden  aeseucB drhselou dsoiatcy is eth toetrsbci amitloponcci, it edbessric het neevt fo het ybab gtgetin kctsu ni eht shtm'roe evilpc nebo nda ssnrgreige a itb tnio hte As a ccennqoese,u htbo yabb adn rmthoe nca rffues nicslptmioaco ikle b'rsE ylsap rfo hte entoane nda pmro-atutsp idbnegel fro +1

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submitted by โˆ—temmy(153)
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bibeas of iecaidbt mmso ned pu igbne bgirge dna ahtt amy aeld ot dshelrou ysatcido

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sahusema  If eon fo eth srwean cohiecs sw,a h"tat ybab ong be big l"lo I dwulo vahe gentot ti tirhg +21

 -9  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hungrybox(1277)
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rplesmpaaice nsreptes indfr:yetfel

  • :sytspmom ehadch,ae eurrbdl inis,vo manalboid nap,i wiegth anig awer(t )eiotnnret
  • :sfindnig nner,spohteyi eronairt,uip madee
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