cirtcroeno ~ CBC scafetf hte wlroe lpi reom htan hte uprep
naC naoeny aepxnli ohw we can rule tou C or E yperul aebds no het otqenusi met?s fI ew dare toin het tsnqeuio htat ew are iokolgn orf eignohstm etleard ot amea,onlm nhte I teg ywh we nca relu otu C and .E Hoe,vrwe eht qutsnoie ymlpsi asks cwihh snoiel parapes no btho epundxeoss- nad onspxd-oeusnen reasa fo het nes'ptait .inks I luodw sya atth C, D nad E can lla rcouc ni htat tnoiiubitsdr
g@23p cabeuse it secepisif i"ths 'iatpnets ,kis"n and teh ynlo nsoe he is more kilely ot etg anht eht aegrvae enprso ebausec fo ihs layfmi ritsyoh rae claysdtisp eniv
tusj bmreemre B.S alsab lelc puepr, ssumaquo cell olrew
submitted by โhungrybox(1277)
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cpsaiDltsy iven era a repoucrsr to Tyhe hvea ragur,irel yl"stapdcsi" rder.osb remmeReb eth ""B in DCBA dantss rof ireruaglr .dersrBo eNvsu aensm
rhOte wnaerss:
htnssaacoi iiacnsrgn - Dnaergkin of nksi oaeaitsdsc ihtw epyT II setidbea tmllseui
asbal lcle naciarmoc of sink - y,Raerl fi vree stmstsieaeaz. nylCmoom tcfeafs ueppr li.p
eulb vsenu - lcdoleoerBu- tyep of omonmc l.eom
demegtpni eshorebric rksosteai - Su"ktc "no c.narpeapae ytlsMo e.ingbn csetffA eldro eppoel.