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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#16 (reveal difficulty score)
A 16-year-old boy is brought to the physician ...
Exercise-induced asthma ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +15  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—liltr(25)
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I oescoh VMP oot, tbu siht ieptโ€™tsan mian tsmmypo is hcogu olny dgirnu ci.rxeese sTih is oerm evniatiicd of xeceedsir caaosesdti asm.tah oYu oducl see ssorsneht of thebar ni MVP iurgdn cs,xieeer but ogiosnhc MVP eseval het uhgco tcnonacuedu r.of

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.ooo.   I e!areg os,Al tA the dne of hte smet, eht iuqnetso si ihwhc fo teh lwingolof sbet pexilan eth ntpseati ?moptsysm oNt alcphisy xmea Sniec tish tepnita is nmoicg ni hwit a ehfci nimoacptl of BSO ihelw ganiylp trpsos esixreec ddneuci ahamst is the sbet hc.cioe efuoHplly hatt p.hsle +18
uslme123  I mne..a. uod'lcnt iecdanres BP unigrd siereecx eownrs ish PVM nad eivg ihm BO?S +
uslme123  (by ansiugc lihtsg ugerr)g +1
yotsubato  un"Lsg era aeclr to tnclua"iuaost +8
sahusema  But 'wodlutn cshoigno iecrdcne-dueesxi atmahs veael eht umurrm uaoencntucd ?rfo +
cienfuegos  I clrceyonrti hcoes mgrinilenga dna ma nendgroiw if teh acft ahtt eh pnsetered uh(oathlg it t'dosen etsat owh ruothgb mhi dinonmecfir/ ihs msptsyom ilehw ceiinexsg)r mkeas htsi slse lyiekl eeidpst teh caft hatt he aeclryl tstsea I" td'no natw to aypl nrao"mye chwih uodcl be ttirernpeed as a asodnecry ag?in l,osA ardierggn hte ,MPV mI' igowdnnre if eht tcaf taht tehes aer llaysuu gibnen doshul ahev feoarcdt ntoi rou idoencis to reul ti tu?o oshtugTh? +2
cienfuegos  uJts neicodt tath he sah F,Hx gmae rage.hcn +2
kimcharito  arlec ,sglnu tyhe rty to say no ecgrcidiona mul.P a,edme anesm si nto due ot MPV o tessnrsh of abrthe lwihe diogn tspsor nda on osnrtehss ta rtse meaks em ot ktihn rmoe asahtm nidecdu yb ceseiex)r +2
pg32  sI'tn esiercex cddunie amhtas ullauys oudfn ni peloep unirngn iotue,sd lcsiyelape ni cdlo ?weherat I lefe ekli tath si how ti is layswa eesprdetn ni BENM uiestonsq, so hsit rhwet em .fof Not ot onmenit eth VP.M +
happyhib_  it okot em a ittl;el the HFx raylle euhpsd em ot ecesierx .iddcnue I aws slao ooilngk ta irngaegmnli btu eetrh ntasw a alre anosre to pshu me to htsi (sa a oocdtr ti udlow be asd ot eb kile hes niagfk ti eecbaus eh dsoetn wnta to yalp sostpr whit out benig rues ristf; lde me wyaa bceaues teher natsw nouhge nptgioin h.e)ret olsA PVM duolc be hilstgyl enibng nad si eyvr mcnoom adn laylusu on Sx nda sih nugsl reew raecl as swa sert fo .aexm lAl dpsheu ot hsatmA +
mittelschmerz  I itkhn MVP no sit now unstdohl cuesa oSB iwht ucogh n(i a ise,onqtu m'I esru it ducol in teh lear w)rl.od nI teh rodlw of NEBM suetniqos rwhee you ende to fowllo teh oiohygypsl ,ytecelrfp ouy oudwl deen emso gereed fo RM that deal to LV lsnn/tofucydvio adr,oelvo and tehrse no uryoanpml dmeea ron an S3 thta iontp us rdsatwo .ahtt iregnliagnM udowl avhe to eb faekd rfo ,ngia adn retesh no xltrneea anig ereh ro cnedeevi ttha e'sh faikgn tmmpyoss. Yuo wdolu oasl edne ot r/o icyhapls essnlil eefbor sindngiago grginamilen, hchwi tanhs eneb ne.od ldCo hartewe si ityerlacn nnwko rof rcxegnaietba IEA adn ear hte aexm drbswzzuo, ubt nya xsiceere can tslleaoyub eb a eggitrr +2

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—lnsetick(107)
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I tsuj rebmerem trtaSa aigyns PVM edtsn ot be ytpaomiac.smt Aol,s I ihntk the kdi oanmipcdel clificealpys of g,icnhgou and thta aemd em lrelya ealn waay omfr .MPV

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yo  he asol ash a lfmiay irhytso fo .ahmsta h'satt shti si etcgn.ei +1 ofr tha.mas +5
yotsubato  fehiC nmtcoalpi is BOS nrgiud eisxreec itwh iohu.gngc rMalti lvvea opelpars si ont gogni ot od that so I dkpcie satham as ll.we +1

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—basic_pathology(25)
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MVP doulw elss mptscmtyioa udrgin xeei.csre nWeh uyo ,crsxeeei EDPVL aes.cernsi MPV si ssle lilyek sa teh tavyci epsrrseu aisnsece.r r,vrooeMe PMV si otsm ymmonocl py.mtsoamacit

nit,aldyiodlA htis petnita oals hsa aymfli yirhtso of maa.sth

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—readit(18)
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yWh it is ton VPM:

luFl tnootaiqu rfmo oayDp:sptm oUSeTtm" ...[ cuhs sa] osuiavr siennicpfoc ymossmtp uhsc sa siplat,natopi edpas,yn eexcirse nel,ncireato and dsinzsize ahev eben rutdaeitbt to V.MP or,eHvwe mmpystso are otn rilebela sracndioti of VMP. rrmrtFhueeo, spsyomtm enulyretqf seen ni sunidiavlid htiw MPV avhe ton been nvyceclsoilu eidmeerdtn to eb mreo npreatlev anth in eth geelnra .uopptoinla sA na emx,aple ni a tsdyu of 471 anetpsit rfreerde for ohpcicrhydraeoga rof euspedsct VMP, eth seenrpce of ptomymss asw otn itacadsoes wthi PVM no idchrcrahaypgooe nfduo( ni 22 ctneep)r [.43] S(ee a"tilrM vvale alrpsepo rmys)n""o.ed

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submitted by euphoria(1)
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i veah dwsarnee itsh iutqneso rtihg, tbu hwy hreet is dmi ylisostc rurmum ni eht m?set

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mittelschmerz  He laos sha ,PMV btu asmhta si erom yelkil to scuea hist toslgpayyootmm adn eh ahs a fmyali hx. +1
euphoria  nhkTa yuo rvey much rbo ):- +1

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