Gcsitar searivc are fed by teh hrsto ctarisg eiv.sn
Teh qsieonut syas SITRGCA rivecs,a nto EAPOLSAGEH si.eravc My dspiut .irban slPu 'Im iaumgnss tfle gsotpearlcpiio odlwu eb a torccer rsenwa if ti swa es.ltid
ghtRi icaplstrepoigo V nac aslo be idndear tino ist earotcnpurt no eht lfet, btu srtho iacsrgt V does nto veah aa,omsoetssn os het casrive fo tshro iscrtag V dslae ot e.igdbeln
rMoe fsl erl:eAnffuyt to isatrcg cseiv.ra eTh feerstfan ot VG oecm ofrm telf stcragi ,vien rhots crgstai ievsn dna tosprroie irtagsc nvei hte ftle acsrtgi ivne ayminl itrtsebcoun to ooarimfnt of acacdri iarcvse ehesawr eth rhsto ascrgit vnie nad eoiopstrr atrgisc ienv icruntbteo to trfmiaono of luafdn ciev.ars lesaIdot acsirgt veraisc ear meor ilyekl to be trldeea to eirpspigetolaco ev.sni
submitted by saifshaikh(13)
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eTrhe is lsiecpn vine ibmotros.hs heT shotr rastigc nsevi mlaylnro iandr itno eth enplcis ive.n uDe ot eth oo,rbmhisst heter yma eb lidfu pbacuk dan rdeeiacsn r,sspeeru lngeuitsr in rcavsie.