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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#33 (reveal difficulty score)
A 68-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Libido: normal; Nocturnal erections: normal ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +19  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—imgdoc(183)
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I hougtth ubaot ti kile hsti: aPetnti is ihvnga hyccpsogein DE - tsi lal in ish ae,hd doiilb is orlnma and oncnurlta cenitosre are

fI sih Tneoottesser elvle asw olw - Lbodii e.decersad If shi useonvr yestsm timitpsh)ch/ptypreatsm(ayaace wsa gdmeaad - uclotrnna coriesnet ade.srcdee

peoH isht .lhpes

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sars  kId abuot htsi. yM hi ousd-bglthot:i si a tcdpour of tsrtonoeeets adn toimseon sung(e mopec)cencyisetc-h is a prudtoc fo vpicle hcpcnsisnla S4S-2 ppa(cs)metaahytir ep-antsi't siseus era 1 thnmo ldo (kaa cent)er and sih wfie iedd 2 arsye oga & tortonteeses si olramn tfo(reeher iiolbd attrl a)ominne-p nac cajk ,fof erhroetfe peeinl lmtiaiosunt xefrle cra is ctiant nad epvlic siapscnlhnc are ognirwk anultro(nc snecemectu amr)nol +3

 +15  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—dr_jan_itor(87)
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He esmssi ish eifw mna, stn'i eaydr fro terho no.emw eniocPgyshc E.D yslcliahpy ehs nief

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—yotsubato(1208)
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yWh si his biLdoi amlonr? sI't ltoltya ctxdeepe tath eh yma vahe ruedecd ilidbo eratf his eiwf eidd 2 years oga ofmr smoe hbrierol lrpnoegdo elnsisl.

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nala_ula  phrepas ist' mero to od ihtw eth catf ttha he acn etg oecristne newh atitbrusnamg, usotied of lconnrtau ncetoiers whihc ear tno imdatdee by leaxus seedir. oS his liobid tsum be ntitac cnsei eh sha eslxau esdeir eedintv ni nibeg laeb to trbuemasta. +1
nala_ula  tA te,las hstta' hte wya I aws t.i +
home_run_ball  esteeno"oTtrs orcnactniteon si ihniwt teh enercfere n"aegr and eth ctaf atht he sha no difylfticu absimtgatrnu = anomrl bilio.d woL sneroeteotts lwuod obcriutent ot wol iibdol And fi eh ahd owl ildoib eh dwuol aveh ifclyiduft trtnabagumis +
thisisfine   heT way I edma eth ndieosic buoat onarml .vs rseaddece odliib is osal ttha he perensted ot shi ocrotd deu to ffulitcydi naniinmitag na oreienct ilewh rignty ot hvea sex - geninam eh has hte obidil ot rty ot ahev oDse tath amke ?nsees +2
btl_nyc  It sola ysas etrhe ear no isnsg fo ,enoepdsrsi chhwi olwdu asuce eth lwo blidoi eftra sih ewif edi.d +
temmy  tow earys si a ngoehu mite to .nmrs.j.utou sngayi +
temmy  ,tifhnessii it aeksm lseubtao htTa is hte ames wya i swa it +
dr_jan_itor  eH sismes his iefw ma,n i'nts yeard for eohrt .wenmo Psygnicehoc E.D phsiylyalc ehs nief nac( rckan sih aem)t +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—haliburton(224)
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ofrm APFA E D fo ixdme rcioang nad chgeonicspy oigirn is o.ommcn Pycinosecgh scsaeu rea rome lyilek hnew teh tiepatn has oamrln necotiers htiw rmtatuboasin ro ehnw oatcurnln iepenl euemcscten si ma.onrl

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yotsubato  oCndltu a gneociycpsh csuea eudcre ibidl?o +2
home_run_ball  nterTo"ssoeet nooaecrcnttni si wiihnt het frercneee gne"ra adn eth tfca hatt he ahs on ycfliidfut ntursbagtiam = loarmn owi.Ldil bo rsteotnoeets dwulo buentctrio to wol Aindl bdoi fi he dha owl oidibl eh wloud ehav yufflctiid tmtsuriagnab +7
home_run_ball  pwosho tanme to otcemnm on eht threo cnmemot +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—basic_pathology(25)
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Oangicr ED: ED ugrind mnuoisaartt,b on routnlacn c,eerosnti -/+ rdseeecad ilodib

Pogiycscen :ED on ED dignru bnr,atimsatou eys cotulnran eseri,ncot no scdaereed libiod


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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—syoung07(58)
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fi uoy aer 86 nad lslti itdgna aPlamal naos,Hdrne uoyr liodbi nits lwo ym .fesdnir

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drdoom  mnea +

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submitted by โˆ—jhan17(2)
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ae"unIdqate ro tabnes lunanrcot tieecnosr gsestug igcroan utsindofc,ny eesahwr a rolnma uelstr tscneidia a hhgi elhkdiooil of a ohcecynpsig .ietgool"y


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