poecltySnem = orme leetiubpscs to laeatnduecsp armogsisn
I utp .E iloc sa tis taeapcudsenl btu atht 'snwta eth msot thrig raensw I suegs?
ahpersP siht si an roeicntrc ayw fo nkigniht bauto tsh,i ubt I waasly asetsacio hte ereclnvui fo tpSer npoemu to sit aulcp,se utb I noly siacstoae hte K cparuasl engatni of E. iocl to etnmniigsi alcrel( ahtt E. lcio sha threo sipficce enrviulec tasocfr kiel biimrfae rof UI.)T
oS cs,baliayl I dugfrei thta eth eaplscu of eptSr enmpuo si dovilenv in more sadeise rceosssep (M)PSO tanh hte calpeus of .E iocl tsolym( g)esiinnimt, nda utsh I ehosc prSet.
A,pinscel ikhtn SNiH pt(erS pn,uoem mu,Hohpsalei ires)iasNe. oD nto hobrte whit any hoter pceedauatlsn issgomarn
submitted by โpowerfulgarbage(17)
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AF 2020, pega 2:17
plnuacsetEad rtacaeib ear iodepszno dan then drleace by s.lepne lesnApci atensipt vahe arseecded ingponiszo ayibitl and na srienedca riks ofr verese nciosni.fte
hTey dene icsnvcea to tetocrp nsgiata iesNirsae intdiii,negsm octsSoccutrpe iaPe,unoenm ialsmupHohe zfilauenn
in:ommnce o"N Spleen Hre"e
lsgaeedrrs I ogt htis eno norwg aecbuse fo a 55/00 uesgs etweben teprs nad .e oicl. I ssgeu teyh ndwtae oyu to cireegozn hatt he was at isrk orf S. miouenpan isspes dna trheforee eended ot be ,dvateinacc aehserw rhset'e ton cmuh uoy nac do ot cpetotr mhi mofr E. lcio rhoet than wash uyro sdhan llo