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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 0/Question#0 (reveal difficulty score)
While lifting weights, a 24-year-old man ...
Strangulation ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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Tish nam yklile ahs an cdteniri laiiugnn hreina asecub(e htey rae emor nommoc ni nem nda aevlrol, dna neiwigthitflg tpus uoy at krsi rof mvleetdnp)eo A0[F022 0)p73

A pliesosb cioctopialnm fo easnhir is gitltoraannus fo lobwe taht egst dap.rtep

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joshua  douCl osla eb a lramoeF Heria,n cniagdroc ot 2AF019 364, eolrfam eanhrsi ear "eroM ilykel to eresptn wtih aincctroaneir or niargttlousna naht aniniulg neras"ih +1
ownersucks  lreomFa rhneia rea mroe nomomc in efamle +2
chaosawaits  A'' rsrfee ot mrlfoae eaisnr,h ihwhc si het somt omocnm ausce of eiulerbdcir lamfoer raeinh +
chaosawaits  retBte talioaexnpn rof 'A' is ttha ti irebsescd rirocaetnnica fo s,iharen in .lrgneae asnHeri htat tnnaco eb ereudcd rea oentf ude ot aseho.nsdi nrcaecreatdI seharin rea ta rksi of ngisa.ulnartto +

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