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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 0/Question#0 (reveal difficulty score)
A 6-year-old boy who recently emigrated from ...
Vitamin E ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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A opuecl yasw to hrpoapca tsih :toueqins iimsatn(V uofnd rtnitsag 0A2F02 )p65

  • Peal, bkylu ssootl hwti daneceisr atf ootanntnecicr - Tshi si ceinidvita fo taf alainsmoborpt. Enev wohittu yntiiifgedn het clshd'i soidderr keil(yl icscty broiisfs uceaebs of hits dna hte lgnu lv)neevtnoim yuo nac eus ihts t-tibdi of iofn ot noawrr teh aswesrn to hte tiasimvn that era rypool aobbsrde in fat aabpoilmstrno (ei.. the oltbalufe-s mitiavsn DAKE). siTh uodlw ietemnlai all tub wot ,rswaens nad bngei abel ot iaelzer atht itmianv D si dcsostaiea whti eitkscR ni ldhrniec (oenb ,ssusei NOT roe)un hlewi vitanmi E si ioedatacss thwi gncioulroe ssiuse seueacb( of sti anonttixdia sitpoeepr)r duwlo eald yuo ot het .nrsewa
  • fI uoy idd ont rzleeia that teyh erew ryngti to teg ta fat ioao,trablmpns uoy can lislt wnoarr ondw het renawss fi you wokn eth terho cf.nseiieiedc As emdonntie bva,oe nvmaiti D is icktesn/robes os ti nca eb e.aindteiml inVmiat C ndyceeicif si scrvyu chiwh esernpst htiw lesolnw smu,g syae g,brnuiis waedekne memuni espsn,eor ,aaimne cet. onne fo ichwh niucdle onuer spsmomyt as dc.ersebdi inNiac amiintv( 3B) ifedincyec dslae ot epaelglr whhci is atiossaced hitw hte 4 sD' - aera,drih iasreitdmt, medtanei, dna edah;t and thsi yob oesd nto eahv ialoerdtogcm pytsmmos nad hsi eruilogcno oytsmosm era otn ciarhtiectcrsa. tBioin tv(imnai 7B) dfciecneiy si aerr dna sactidosea ihwt rdamtiites, ei,trnseti nad ioeapacl. tmianiV E adeocstisa hwit iaatax adn eyamdenoiitnl fo hte pieroorts ocnlums anedilg ot resdceead sootnipi adn nbvtroiia nsees, so ti ametshc hte \oyp.msstm
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