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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 0/Question#0 (reveal difficulty score)
A 25-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Rheumatoid arthritis ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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A efw of eht stihn ttah oitnp to ieuoahmrtd rsthtiiar orev the etorh aes:nrws

  • uYgeorn gae fo snoet nda eemfla - iotrdemuah ritathrsi si an uanmotiume edseais and nac sthu tseenrp ni yregnou leeamfs awrhese ireotiatosshtr is fmro arew adn atre so ti si yusulla oedrl dnivludsaii 2(2F0A0 664p rfo iitoortaserhst vs ao)dmthiuer
  • gnriSpa fo hte tsaild tlgnynreilaeaph onstji ID(P are asrdep ni ihermdutao rsrhitt)ai nda aibrtlale - ni hte rtohe orddrssei etreh si ont csriesanyel leictteviys fro hte IPP nad PCM, dan they olwdu nto nreleaysisc be aatberlli .(.ie tuog si ont enasylicsre bil)rletaa rawhes ueidmthaor rtstaiihr si lreibaatl
  • Pnuans tamrnfooi - teh oaromtinf fo ruolnad asspeunn si tsirtccrceahai fo homtudreai tshtriria ovre eothr ordiredss lesicaelpy( noec uogt is iemnileatd teh ceesnrpe of lsuoden tiopsn tmos to ohmedutair rs)htitiar
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epiglotitties  How nca I adtiinrfeeetf eht nsludeo rmodfe in RA mrfo the toyhesoepst neb(o r)sups ni AO? Or era ptosoehyest ton albppela naebthe hte ?nsik +

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