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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 0/Question#0 (reveal difficulty score)
Ten years after total gastrectomy, a ...
B12 (cobalamin) ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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aolTt aogrseyttmc = bacsnee fo atarlipe csell

eariltaP esllc ear ynraecsse ot cstreee nntcisiir trocfa iwchh ibdns ivmanit B21 ot lwaol ar.noptbosi

Also shi symomtsp w(ihhc tif eth cierndtspoi fo suuabtec cmdnbioe itndreoegne)a aer rtashcirteicca fo 2B1 .ecidfyneic

A0F022 p69 (ntiers slnegsussa oijme eehr)

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bingcentipede  The ayrscttgmeo aws soal 01 rsaey ;goa ti asket -43 ysera to tdlpeee uory haeictp 21B rst.ose +4
baja_blast  ceiN +
fatboyslim  sAol, orf hotse owh rae dwinro,neg rehet si na bscnaee of eth enkla kjre feexrl uecbsea 21B deicceniyf scesua eplheparir netahurpyo as wlle. eePrpahilr tnpyoruahe eacsftf hte leosngt vreesn fsirt, hits alspxnei hwy terhe si no refelx ni eth anlke lihew hrete is iereaeyprhlfx ni the rmsa adn nekes (chiwh aer UMN sngsi t/d lraalte tiislnoaorcpc tcrta tnloeemvniv) +

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