raranWfi ihbiistn pdeeoxi erceudast hicwh ieetrnrsfe htiw tessyshni of het vaiitnm K dedenenpt oticgnlt ostfar.c Of hte cltiongt tfcaro,s IVI sah eht tsohstre lehfalif- and uhst iwll eb ftsir to be ddcsereae to .%50
N:TOE neotrPi C olas ahs na lyxrtemee horst ilflaehf- nad sit edeecrsa berofe atth fo het tgilctno osftarc anc csuea na liaiint bcaeogalreuhpy saett arfet nrairfwa si eug.bn hsiT si hwy ehanpri rpeytha si edsu ot "gb"deri .stiatpen
submitted by โcassdawg(1781)
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raranWfi ihbiistn pdeeoxi erceudast hicwh ieetrnrsfe htiw tessyshni of het vaiitnm K dedenenpt oticgnlt ostfar.c Of hte cltiongt tfcaro,s IVI sah eht tsohstre lehfalif- and uhst iwll eb ftsir to be ddcsereae to .%50
N:TOE neotrPi C olas ahs na lyxrtemee horst ilflaehf- nad sit edeecrsa berofe atth fo het tgilctno osftarc anc csuea na liaiint bcaeogalreuhpy saett arfet nrairfwa si eug.bn hsiT si hwy ehanpri rpeytha si edsu ot "gb"deri .stiatpen