dutl'Wno eh also ahev eealerrpxfihy in the irght r,birodaialchasi hichw is nreeaitdnv by eht radlai ?enrev Secni eth 'speittan irhgt dalrai vrnee asw erev,des he dohlus sola have na MNU olnsei hitw reyhxfirepale ni the trghi ?aiaclihorbsard
A aidarl vrene eonlsi si a LNM ienslo (hye.)rpfiaoxel uYo nac alyacblsi ivedid it yb n-arrortepei ,hnor nad aprnoseotrit- nohr fo the lasnpi droc. efrtA hte nsspyae ta eth rotraein nroh ti ecbsome a lrewo otomr eorn.nu feoBre ttah a(glno hte pnlasi rcdo adn up back pu ot het mtoor exo)crt is ociersddne rpeup morto r.eounn
Dhu, of rcse!ou mbuD .teskiam nshkaT
So if t'si UL,MN yhw clunodt' the irght alltrpea ndoetn wsho yeeilraphfxe as ti wsa sloa ni teh iiiatln ir?ujny
teh nloy lissraapy ofr hirgt erclbera xrctoe yinruj UM)(N is the etlf rwloe rtteymxie - eth liaard lniose L)M(N si orf eth alrhume htfas cfrat.rue teh btiali retrfcua si lsao h.rgit NMU vsieg ,ixalrfrheepey MNL yhop.
submitted by โcassdawg(1781)
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He hsa an prpeu tmoro nuoner lsoein ichhw is nuasgic pyaslsria no hsi ftle erowl ies,d so eh wlli eahv eieprrfahyxel no shti e.ids Tush eht peed nenodt eerfxl llwi lctaulay be cirsgeotedsate/rsnn ni shi ftle aheilcsl toennd iynlilati tfare eth iactdecn. 02F2A[0 29p5]