I went twhi my gut no tshi tusj ebsa on het phcsiyal mxa.e tuB tehy did ehav ledeteav Hnilogboem ni the uiern as lwel dna I nkow .rD Gnialjo siad ouy ncta tge taht eftra a h.atrnmoa eDos ynoaen nkow why molnheobig si rnw?og
oomnebghil is eud ot het kbderwnoa of sBR,C ont eslcmu.s
nDuigr het pdicikst ttes no a renui smepal ot lvtaaeue ofr hte eenrcsep of dbl,oo eth eanretg no eht tste siptr eectdst hte pscerene of nmpteig ni teh uerin e.pslma This netpgmi anc be enghboilom or mlooyibng
ohecs tneearci ieskna ubacsee i indtd nkwo what a rtonaltih aws dan im purod
neuir kpdctiis acontn terafiditeefn wenetbe mlohebnoig ro nogbim.yol otheerefr vnee if ti is ln,omyogbi it sowhs oeiiptvs rfo omnyiolbg. dre ruein or lobmoehgni vtiepios ieunr ottwhiu brc is idaiinctgn ot mygoon.ilb
submitted by โcassdawg(1781)
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ehT rodiesntcpi oopcordessn ot ryosdismhblyoa wcihh is exiecsvse akenwodrb fo elksaetl mcusle istues atth anc ldae ot eexsecsiv eelsrea of iybnoglmo iont hte obldo hihcw ascues narlyiiumogbo adn yinedk ade.mag blyosyhoamdRis cna be tcadrepeiipt by tiereovonexr sh(cu sa a )olniathatr nda onlomcym snsteepr tiwh eknsawse and mueslc drteensnse nad amy also tpenrse itwh nosrhstse fo bathre eud to dlfiu bilpudu ni eth u.lsng
lymoshyRabsodi wlli enetrsp whit etaonvelis in tcarniieen knsiea as lwle sa ymoboil,ng ubt ti si the aletvdee ynomliogb hciwh ssucae the psytsmom and etauc edynik yirunj sa eens ni htsi natpiet. rCneitaien nesaik tlaveieno sacesu no oxtic fce,esft vnee htguho ti cu,rsco as eroedrpt here.
eeHr is etrhoan tcerila boatu ibohyssadmylro as it is not receovd in dphte ni rsiFt .idA