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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 0/Question#0 (reveal difficulty score)
63-year-old man, 3-month history of ...
Increased capillary hydrostatic pressure ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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epleSs btrete ngtisit utigrph - felt traeh uaerfil smsmpoyt

VDJ nad enak deeam - trghi atreh eaiuflr postmysm

ighRt ather lfaeiur tihw bkapuc oitn eht oevusn tymses usesca meeda by gisncareni acillypar trydhsticoa presesru et(h suhp eepssr)ru nad u"igpnh"s mreo lifdu ntio het iitleirattns utsies sa.cpe

dareeesDc aasmlp coldiol nocotic eeusrprs t(he lupl erps)resu dcluo hctielclany oasl eusac eemda tbu tsih luwod eb yliekl mreo escadistao hitw a syorhit of mmyptsos fo olss fo itenrop ..(ie lveri eruliaf dna nbitiyali to ekma inbluma ro nidyke usessi dan ina)opter.uri

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waitingonprometric  I ntkih gvien teh pysmstom of p,horeanto he ash L edis rtahe iueflra with udilf kbaicng pu noti ihs lnus.g L deisd haret alfueri si eht ostm cnomom cesau of R rthea ufr,liea chiwh si llkeiy rsnepte ni sthi uded too ereadcsi(n .V)PJ lgoAn ihwt L eathr ,riufeal oyu olduw gte dredceeas OC -t;-g& iaovtatcni of SSN dan RAAS ot niimtaan odblo ueerrpss --;t&g irdsecnea lfuid mvni/onteteleoru ni rincuaolict g;&-t- ascniered clapriyla ytoasrhctdi sesepurr t-g-;& drthi nacgpis of sluifd .i.(e alken )am.eed +6
kayla  ePlaes eccrotr me if I am ,rwong btu I sola leeebiv here heyt aer tenstgi oatub anvutatrides v.s adexue.ivt eHart uarielf si vutradsineat ,sthu ew cna euelxcd any ernwas hcoseic diagrerng plraacyli ipyeeabrimtl. sA sawgacds deats,t rethe is on ininitcdao ereh fo yna ossl fo otp,rine os ew acn xlcueed het tcoocin euessprr as a obeeasanlr wnrsae secc,ohi and htwa ew aer eflt whti rae the tdhctaioysr sspru.ere eTh onyl one atht esamk nsese wneebte teh owt is an ensraiec in ohrctsiatdy puleA.osrsrse wm,iooritinrtneacpg eolv het ,eanm rytos fo my le!if +1

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