This is normal menopause (FA2020 p636). Average age of onset is 51 years (our woman is 52). Hot flashes are a common symptom.
In menopause, the ovaries stop secreting estrogen (17beta-estradiol is an estrogen) due to a decline in the number of ovarian follicles with age. FSH is increased because the feedback inhibition is removed. The source of estrogen after menopause becomes peripheral conversion of androgens.
sexymexican888Estradiol (ovary) > estrone (peripheral) > estriol (placenta)
The way I remember the strength "diol" kind of sounds like god in spanish "dios" so its the strongest, then the "throne" for "trone" and then triol the "trio" like god, holy spirit and jesus lol im not super religious but this helped me remember the order! and triol is placenta -> jesus was a baby haha
submitted by โcassdawg(1781)
This is normal menopause (FA2020 p636). Average age of onset is 51 years (our woman is 52). Hot flashes are a common symptom.
In menopause, the ovaries stop secreting estrogen (17beta-estradiol is an estrogen) due to a decline in the number of ovarian follicles with age. FSH is increased because the feedback inhibition is removed. The source of estrogen after menopause becomes peripheral conversion of androgens.