hOtre esulc in hte inqtueso tmes chwhi tpino to tuesvrit nosets:
caaBrtie ni hte unire - etsruvit tsneos era dsucea yb nesintfioc htiw seeura tosiveip abairtce rPo(eust ribmiila,s athpS otus,aipshyrcp llseieblaK)
gihH eiunr Hp - sbcueea rsueea povseiti nsigsoamr odurecp maia,mon iths llwi iekanlzlia the inure nda oritnbetcu ot tmnraooif of rettvsui enstos
0F20A2 58p9 hsa tdfifreen septy of nedkiy .soetns
sneCiyet dan rcui cdai tnseso are ohtb rtdaeet wiht itinnlialkoaaz of het nieru adn mero aastiseocd wthi acidic e.uirn utCrnysiaei, thohug ti si sdactieaso etemomiss wthi tarnoghs ciicaull, si sola ri,eeahydrt nigbes ni d,olcohidh dna is tno oedsitcaas twih itirbuercaa. alucmCi axeolta dna uclicam aeptspohh osenst rea esls oentf tsdecasoia wiht hntarsgo ai.culicl
submitted by โcassdawg(1781)
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eStvitur osetns mouma(mni suimngmae phs)thpoae mnloocmy rmfo agnohrts .uiclalic
hOtre esulc in hte inqtueso tmes chwhi tpino to tuesvrit nosets:
0F20A2 58p9 hsa tdfifreen septy of nedkiy .soetns
sneCiyet dan rcui cdai tnseso are ohtb rtdaeet wiht itinnlialkoaaz of het nieru adn mero aastiseocd wthi acidic e.uirn utCrnysiaei, thohug ti si sdactieaso etemomiss wthi tarnoghs ciicaull, si sola ri,eeahydrt nigbes ni d,olcohidh dna is tno oedsitcaas twih itirbuercaa. alucmCi axeolta dna uclicam aeptspohh osenst rea esls oentf tsdecasoia wiht hntarsgo ai.culicl