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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 3/Question#49 (reveal difficulty score)
A previously healthy 48-year-old nulligravid ...
Endometrial hyperplasia ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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erUetni oinstcnoid 0A2F20 p648

  • edysnoisAom - nsieotxen of turneei nelamdrtoie ulgadarln etisus niot the tineeur miyut;emomr wdluo presten hwti nrsdeomrhyae ro laomranb ieteunr idglbnee iwht a yiulrmonf nlegdaer tsfo dan agourbll stuuer
  • lnetrodmaiE hapseaylrip - onbramal retdameloin ldnga ,rtiirnopefalo nnutabad iutess btu on ;pldyiasas rtssepen htiw heyav dngbiele rdniug ens,sme omer mocnmo in vngildauilr eud to sxsece ngsteero
  • ailrtedEnom smteapalia - paelmtaisa si rraomttnnifosa of one elcl eypt ot taoerhn; sthi nac be a gebnin sesrocp ro tessoacida wtih amnycaingl tub douwl ont kielly ertsepn with aantdbun tusies on uecrrgtea
  • imEdieontsros - tmueiloe-dkermin armldsstg/nao toeisdu fo eht ueitren vatyic in( rv,oay pvl,eis or uiempo;et)nr rteespns htwi NAIP dna havye negedlbi or eodeahroysnmr
  • tseirdiEtnmo - mflintaoianm of het ,ndummteeori secdaaosti ithw aietndre srcoutdp of nocioctpne ro oienrfg ybdo
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submitted by โˆ—j44n(141)
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htis was ndki of a ggbraea otniuqes uceseba e'shs sllti igavhn olmran peisdor, esh thans hit eaonpesum yet tbu sehs c.oels ahWt ssell it it het IMB of 72 chwhi si lnlcyietcah oweirtevgh lanmro( BMI ndse ta 5)2 so the ltdeevea fat is cgiusan hre ot eavh lraseaihpyp ormf lla eth teonsre imocgn from her f.ta So igdnru ehr veraofrpiielt apseh het edadd eogtesrn romf her aft si snacigu it to be veodeorn

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