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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 3/Question#49 (reveal difficulty score)
A previously healthy 48-year-old nulligravid ...
Endometrial hyperplasia ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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Uterine conditions FA2020 p648

  • Adenomyosis - extension of uterine endometrial glandular tissue into the uterine myometrium; would present with dysmenorrhea or abnormal uterine bleeding with a uniformly enlarged soft and globular uterus
  • Endometrial hyperplasia - abnormal endometrial gland proliferation, abundant tissue but no dysplasia; presents with heavy bleeding during menses, more common in nulligravid due to excess estrogen
  • Endometrial metaplasia - metaplasia is transformation of one cell type to another; this can be a benign process or associated with malignancy but would not likely present with abundant tissue on curretage
  • Endometriosis - endometrium-like glands/stroma outside of the uterine cavity (in ovary, pelvis, or peritoneum); presents with PAIN and heavy bleeding or dysmenohorrea
  • Endometritis - inflammation of the endometrium, associated with retained products of conception or foreign body
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submitted by โˆ—j44n(141)
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this was kind of a garbage question because she's still having normal periods, she hasnt hit menopause yet but shes close. What sells it it the BMI of 27 which is techncially overweight (normal BMI ends at 25) so the elevated fat is causing her to have hyperplasia from all the estrone coming from her fat. So during her proliferative phase the added estrogen from her fat is causing it to be overdone

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