Tshi snquoiet is issnleytlae angiks hwta eahspnp to ytimcespaht dan etrappcsamthaiy reseftnef ni the ngsetti of ./atdyvhlonimdayiohepero In htsi tt,inges herte wludo be werol blodo pureessr dan htus itsh oulwd sueca rceeudd iifnrg of the dctoria eoaseop,bcrrtr altemilytu idngale to cbdefeka hhiwc saesilutmt eht acmehtistyp sneovru setysm ot( aseeicnr ahter aetr nad ausec lpeerhpira ncointotrvoaissc ni erodr to psneamtoec fro oivy)aloephm heilw sloa ihtbiginin teh sctpahpara.miseyt
atWh I odnt' tge is htta eth troieran mtplahosayuh si neblsesopri orf oionclg nad ihts lonevsvi hte iptaemarscaypht nvusero ms.tyes S,o hwo si eth ittpsmraepcyhaa rvsueno tysmes not ieatcv in hsti noeprs sa le?wl
I soal tgo itsh noe wrgno eubasec I swa aols nigktinh ti asw a taeh otrkes t.usniqeo utB I hintk ubaseec ew were otn lcuaylat vengi ish obyd mertupatree g(4C&;0t fro a,tstkoehre) ew need ot fcuso on the ftca thta tihs eudd was nrignun a omharant no a tho" da"y wtothui edqeuaat danhyrtoi sa dneeivec by hsi olw .PB
submitted by โcassdawg(1781)
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Tshi snquoiet is issnleytlae angiks hwta eahspnp to ytimcespaht dan etrappcsamthaiy reseftnef ni the ngsetti of ./atdyvhlonimdayiohepero In htsi tt,inges herte wludo be werol blodo pureessr dan htus itsh oulwd sueca rceeudd iifnrg of the dctoria eoaseop,bcrrtr altemilytu idngale to cbdefeka hhiwc saesilutmt eht acmehtistyp sneovru setysm ot( aseeicnr ahter aetr nad ausec lpeerhpira ncointotrvoaissc ni erodr to psneamtoec fro oivy)aloephm heilw sloa ihtbiginin teh sctpahpara.miseyt