rauemrteP nstfian eavh a aklc fo ttusrnacfa ichwh edscrseae lncmecipao of het nlugs nad sseaerinc eth nglu esilcat oclire 0A20(F2 65.)6p
hTe hghi raeuscf ennisto si eht amni ioucrbontrt to lsicaet ilreoc ni teh lgnu fo a oeaetnn. esaBecu teh arseucf nitonse si ihhg edu to ackl of ,rsuanttfac ielorc is osal ,high nda het unlgs dna lvaoile evah omer etcnnday to sl.apocle
submitted by โcassdawg(1781)
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rauemrteP nstfian eavh a aklc fo ttusrnacfa ichwh edscrseae lncmecipao of het nlugs nad sseaerinc eth nglu esilcat oclire 0A20(F2 65.)6p
hTe hghi raeuscf ennisto si eht amni ioucrbontrt to lsicaet ilreoc ni teh lgnu fo a oeaetnn. esaBecu teh arseucf nitonse si ihhg edu to ackl of ,rsuanttfac ielorc is osal ,high nda het unlgs dna lvaoile evah omer etcnnday to sl.apocle