There era no licclau ni eth a.eimg The migae sswho a ltddiea eurer,t uyo wkno ts'i a trereu ceaebsu reeth si na inngpeo tnio hte ilumh fo teh yknd.ei
,ynPlaelsro I c'dlutno llte htat hte rereut asw aeildtd uwotith a siocpormna a.meig utB hawt I did etnioc aws hte itaonldi of eth nrela ylascec adn revees nlrea ahyprot hhcwi luedc me into osme eruetcri bontusctrio ;g--t& r.ihyssrdenpooH
OK so I upt PKARD bc of ichnorc eranl enfiuisncfyic adn osla i gtohhtu eht taddlie patrs erew cysst
rmmRbeee atth fro KRADP ohbt keinyds lliw be ffdteaec and it lliw neovlvi teh xtrceo as lelw as het eu.laldm fI uyo cie,ont teh retocx is tnatci
oAs,l 'tsi ym nrsnenaiutddg that DAKPR ytcillypa restpens humc rgoeuyn whit a lot fo ylelar llasm ct,yss idnk of ithw a poslkeinge aea.enprcap
submitted by โbaja_blast(219)
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eynonA nwok yhw tish asw Hyohdnprroesis and nto htarngSo ?alC?cuusl