hrTee ear a few awys ot get ot hte nswaer of the siecpl :orrer
The aumnitto uecdsa psignki"p" fo an oxne. pinligcS is teh ospsecr whree srnnoti are pdlsice tou and exons are cpilesd rtteehgo efboer otnepxigr het .RmAN nedtaeRi osnntir or insgikpp fo an onxe is ekilyl a lsrtue of an reror in .gsclipni
The taitnuom litefss is TG ot .TA nI NAR hits wulod eb UG ot AU. UG si a noknw nmetopcno fo teh 5' iseplc teis p2420,0(FA2) os shti olsa iosptn to lepsci seit iunt.mota
Neno fo eth theor tnuomstai adeqayuelt isdecbre why an nxoe ouwdl be idpk.pes oYu dlcuo nsoaer a nnsoeens toantuim a( anitomut atth iduerocstn a stpo oc)ond oudcl "ki"ps eht tasl noex ro so usbcaee ti uettcrastun hte ont.rpie rwHev,eo teh imttoanu odse not tfi yan ttah ecoidtrnu a tpso dcoon t(he psot oncosd rea A,AU AG,U nad A..UG. enon of heset haev UA ni m!he)t
rtehO oifn: tish yob sah aoery,nkehplitnu htohgu ietlpuml tanstmiuo anc eadl to sthi os it woldu nto leph in raneiwnsg isth nse.iuqto
submitted by โcassdawg(1781)
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hrTee ear a few awys ot get ot hte nswaer of the siecpl :orrer
rtehO oifn: tish yob sah aoery,nkehplitnu htohgu ietlpuml tanstmiuo anc eadl to sthi os it woldu nto leph in raneiwnsg isth nse.iuqto