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Retired NBME 15 Answers

nbme15/Block 2/Question#23 (reveal difficulty score)
A previous healthy 26-year-old woman comes to ...
Area labeled by letter 'E' ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—deberawr(12)
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I eievbel A = asecpul

hciWh enht nasem

=B slumaogelro &g;-t osanroleedt

=C laitafcasu ;-gt& cltsiroo

D= uiacrrtlsei &;t-g srndgeano

E = anlader ladmuel &-t;g toshecneacmaiel

tanPtei hsa ooohhtraeymccopm -g&t; cdnesiare metslhaocaceni -;&tg nscederia ,PB aced,hahe seao,pitrrinp otplpiiasatn + serenecp fo hnoctemliaecae wnroebadk ert)esnhipnae(m

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submitted by euchromatin69(16)
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wr..toowy1lgl.go.avtA?O.Eu/V:05m8leypG4shw//6wwbzocwZ rilmias igmea in clerodo fmor ....

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submitted by โˆ—cheesetouch(250)
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mtcoorosahePomhcy are tusrom of the alraedn elmd,ula rvedide fmor cofihmnrfa lelsc of het uranle rseI.nt c rgeasdr ot teh egim,a A si sbopysil the pecasul naillwgo E ot eb the radaenl ?eHeredulmal era osme web iges,am sroyr I t'anc oslev isth emt,yrsy nz so.kifUyotl:ecnWo3qt9t/xongtoPurspgehG/trep/

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drdoom  ^ oerbnk lnsik +
cheesetouch  oyrSr! I 'wasnt elab to ndif a trenceal.pem +

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