ssma in het eoahugsps tiwh liudldiqs/io mg pa'h.Iadisy otn usre atwh eht oiths hossw but no eth toombt terhe era mreo tlaf sellc adn the pot eethr ear reiwd sscpea witnhi eht llces twih msoe f,at so I ktinh ti yabme a naieghl urlec endlagi ot a .etiurtcsr
asywan rhoet tnphoages are eorm atosdcaise twih htore ctinfineos
A) sagnolelst and ornhoaBlacgc co)iniam pahetigos) isc vlier E)scbssae i tikhn imyrali TB can rpnsete ni eth ivrle
amss ni the ghsaupseo itwh iuqild/lisdo paagsiI.ydm'h not esru hwta teh hstio wsosh utb no teh ttmoob hteer rae more laft sellc dna teh pto eetrh are eidrw psasec witihn eht llces twhi some ,fta os I hnkti it baemy a aelhing crleu aegdlin ot a rt.ursceit
waynsa hoetr gaenhptos aer oerm esocdasait iwth trhoe tioicfnnes
A) elaonsglst dan ancrgcm naooclhB)aiio agsshioi)tepc lievr )baesscEs i inthk iyrmila BT cna tprnees in eht lveir
yM disuerngtndna si htta .H yoirlp aluctyla ecredsaes hte skri rof helapogase dirrsodse e.(x eicoara)ocnmdan
How ldwuo a ihcrnoc H. ylrpio nitiefnco lade to nagehli /cuelr sierttcru toionfmar or oaa?mncdireonca
How oesd ttah tipucre phle at a?ll Is ti jtsu fro unlgir uto ro acn uoy leru in H. rlipoy hwti ?ti
I efle ekil eth estb gatsetyr rof iths qotneuis is lnugri tou veitrgehny .sele The moatnu fo oiomntraifn htta ytdfeeviliin sysa .H or,yilp to me, si .iaimnml
:onCisolhrc is a ivler uflke, eacsus blmpsreo ithw l adlVg:ebardMCl luuylas ni mmesiouicpmnmdroo ,septitan no taing scell on gienbaaoytEtosl: hom levir sa TsB:escesb on lung mvon,vntelei eylrla no iinndaocits of TB at ll,a tsolehny
submitted by โprosopagnosia(5)
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REDG g&--t; caid dgaamse omcaus -;g-t& okuconkt of teh sacomu lidnage ot eecdadres tmes ellcs -&t;g- reculs from dan lhea iav bofsrisi -g&;t- rtsreuict -g&t;- aimladiotoypsncaCg.p ih fo htsi chilcronlya lwduo eb ertaBtr ?ouhsgpEsa (I cnat' tlel if sehot rea clels iellfd wtih aft or btolge ecsll ttah capedrel het uoauqssm hit)e.limpeu eratt Br hsusaoEgp acn esgsorpr to cardcnAoaimeon of eht heusa.gpso ecuroS : othaPam pg 102