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Retired NBME 15 Answers

nbme15/Block 1/Question#11 (reveal difficulty score)
A 9-year-old boy has mild mental retardation ...
Tuberous sclerosis ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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bruuosTe reslissco si hcaerrdicetaz yb SAASMOMARTH oat[mamraHs in CSN nad sn,ki ribfmoAnsioga , Matlri ,ritnigtrguoae h-Aealsf potss , aidcacr aRmbohmd,yoa uu(soerbT siosscl,re) ostaalmou m;dniaOnt Maetln itnoeraradt leintl(tuecla iliiasdbyt), naelr mopognliyiAmoa , e,zsSirue anrehSge seatc,hp 022F0A 55]p2

If you 'ddtni knwo whta tarmmsoaah oolk ekli i.(e. ,me) eher si a eriupct fo hatw ethy erew bdnicergsi. eTyh soal eebscidr seeurz,is elusmadbeypn ciecdialf oduensl ilekl(y trmaoamahs of eth )CS,N nad a ridaacc ,ssma wcihh si lielky a mmooabdhya.r eshTe rae stiactccihraer of buTeuosr es.orclsiS

rgnWo erswna io:anlentsxap

  • ililmFaa hecroihyrppt ohytracdmipoya si aeitacsosd wthi dsuedn dheta ni etsl,ahte tno sseurize dna a.aotahmsrm
  • narrdGe drnoySme si sloa declla lfmlaiai raoleclcot lpooypssi dan is a rmfo of aaifillm asauoondtem s.ooppiyls
  • geGynolc oertasg aisdsee ypeT I si Vno kGiree eiasdse, wihch estepnsr wtih smlaeaplynogteohpe nda reeves ianftsg amlypegoiyhc licpyalty in ni.cfyna
  • leluMpit dEreninco piNlaaseo pyeT I is ciaaessodt tihw lal hte 'sP ;>- cteaia,rPnc aory,ariPdth dan rPtiytuai i(prnctaeca dicnneore tor,msu tioaprhrayd emaaond,s and tptiuaiyr m)rtsuo
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