eSh sha naimlgnta trhrpyhiaeme ihhcw si a thaene-lgfirietn ncmiooaipctl emor mmoonc wthi haeindl heitessctan ro lceiunhcsciylon A0(0F22 0)55.p cbisuetSyilitp si audesc by snutmotai in YR1R ngee enoncigd rof the ogvtlae nesisievt imlaccu enanhcl. hTe mtneartte is nedneotral hhicw klosbc eth eelesar of cliacum form het coarcslasmpi lmuriectu yb okclgnbi the ydreinnao erecropst RY.(R)
submitted by โcassdawg(1781)
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eSh sha naimlgnta trhrpyhiaeme ihhcw si a thaene-lgfirietn ncmiooaipctl emor mmoonc wthi haeindl heitessctan ro lceiunhcsciylon A0(0F22 0)55.p cbisuetSyilitp si audesc by snutmotai in YR1R ngee enoncigd rof the ogvtlae nesisievt imlaccu enanhcl. hTe mtneartte is nedneotral hhicw klosbc eth eelesar of cliacum form het coarcslasmpi lmuriectu yb okclgnbi the ydreinnao erecropst RY.(R)