I ihtkn teh githr resawn imtgh eb emor eleratd ot gtlenti a maelotfa thwi war hrumagebr tsi for 21 srouh ta rmoo E lcio teh guaberrhm itn!xo htohl(uag tash't sesacaiotd whit noodeuck mtae nad 530 orf an rh hsldou eb epnytl fo imte ot kooc it snuesl 'sti lear c)thci
submitted by โcassdawg(1781)
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A ucflnreu is a o,lbi pialytlcy cesadu by oacchopcltsaly einntc.ofi ,hTsu it can be ecdddue htta teh odof ingponsoi si eud to ssocyoaphlutcc u,seaur hwcih rfoms a heta staibel orttxneneoi ton yrdeosdet yb nokcig.o gItieonns fo teh eerfordpm ortotninexe causes itnivgmo.