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Retired NBME 15 Answers

nbme15/Block 1/Question#31 (reveal difficulty score)
A 75-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Lentigo maligna ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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eiogtnL glainma is a etpy fo anlommae 0220F(A 48),p4 hcnee yhw ti si pittrnoam eth lonesi is l/bncakwrbo ihtw ruelirgra rdrsoeb dna alregingn (lla llsarkmah of lenama.o)m heT obspiy ipitrdsocen olsa isft gelotni nagiaml, tbu even if yuo are ont a tagopothlis eth isicprteond htta stfi rceacn dna dan ayipact"l lsnet"eymcao dslhou ntpoi yuo ot nteogli agla.nim

  • Antcaihsos rnnacgiis is ctgheniikn (sahatcisno manes reedlipma ieyaa)prhspl dna nadignrke of nski in sldof and csaeers oastcesida wthi sniinul saicnrseet
  • iiAcctn aresktsio si a lgetnrmpnaia iolesn ttah si a s,allm uhrg,o rtaueeotsmhe or rwsbnhio llupuapeaqep/
  • Cumpdono senvu is a pety of oeml ahtt is tyglshli edeleta,v bnrow or lithg brw,on nad sha leurarg .desrobr tI si ton
  • Srecirbhoe oairsskte rae k-uot"ns"c tfal, asr,yeg tenpgedim auussomq ilpelatehi irploiernotfa of iertumam aetrekocisnyt htiw rklfdtnieale-i .systc daRpi noets fo tulmpile cetandsii ioplsbes GI .gnlcaynmia

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