NHP yaos:thPhp msomSytp ulters ,mrof Dsiooritnt
of het arecnlt norptoi of NRACOO ATARDIA yb teh sendidedt selit.rcven titainltIrse emade of eht eihwt urcre
atiatrvtlePeinmr witeh atterm yaicnamaltlo endciuls teh asrlca omo-tr etw nad lw
niaeeoymDbb*t kaw(y)c sresutl fomr a dotitnrois fo the veplritaenuicrr imlcib esstm.
submitted by โcassdawg(1781)
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olmraN ssruerpe hyahusedrclop nrstpsee ihtw het lascisc aitrd of tw,e" lowbby, dna w"k:cya
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cdgiorcAn to the WlBorsrod cek,d tehy tdne to yrt to eihd het siccals itdar ni egnrol mstes s(cuh as htis eo,n) enve ghothu etyh give eht drita thouirgt ni eht ifsrt nneees.tc
Pick desaise si eth dol aemn fro omrlnpotafoetr enadtmei dna rleya neaschg rea omre iylkle to eb rnioelptsya aehcng ro aiaas.ph mhAreilezs is a lswo ropsniorsge of mormye ssol adn tno lplytayic soacseidat thiw unirrya oitenicnn.nce roPknnsai dowul ialcpylyt neerspt iwht ompsstym elik mrtreo, ,rdtigyii or iflfsgnuh .tagi A eabcerrl laomnpse acn scaeu a ietarvy fo gonoiculer mtsmopys tbu si erom eiykll to ntesper whti tspymsmo klei eechaasdh nda falco erlogncuoi cdieisft.