Tshi is eltf moohomosun ipneioahma, hchwi is dseauc by nsolie ot the eoncaallttrar opict tratc (D). Tshi suoccr esaeubc teh asnla atrienl ebsrfi elatpmr(o svaliu fd)eli oscrs ta teh oiptc hcamsi wihle eht rltmaoep aernitl eifsbr nlaa(s vuisal filed) do n.to eeS A0022F 425p ro reeh for gmeia.
eonsiL fo teh iotcp vrene A( or C) louwd euasc lemcepto nsineldbs in teeihr .eey
ensLoi fo het octpi mhsiac ()B ascesu botlmrpiae aepiioma.nh
submitted by โcassdawg(1781)
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Tshi is eltf moohomosun ipneioahma, hchwi is dseauc by nsolie ot the eoncaallttrar opict tratc (D). Tshi suoccr esaeubc teh asnla atrienl ebsrfi elatpmr(o svaliu fd)eli oscrs ta teh oiptc hcamsi wihle eht rltmaoep aernitl eifsbr nlaa(s vuisal filed) do n.to eeS A0022F 425p ro reeh for gmeia.
eonsiL fo teh iotcp vrene A( or C) louwd euasc lemcepto nsineldbs in teeihr .eey
ensLoi fo het octpi mhsiac ()B ascesu botlmrpiae aepiioma.nh
isLneo to eht ftle tcpio crtat E() owdul cusea hgrti omooousmnh hnio.mpiaae
F nad G ear eht oocotlroum neersv.