fI it poyeeltlcm ctsu ffo dolbo for oot lngo, enht ,sye but sa yuo tdmoe,einn yeht 'ndot ltel us woh muhc otni,sses so thwi shi lclacini nnseptteaior adn oh,ec ew cna ysa s'it eastbl .niagna kLie sa@gdwcas ,neoedntim eehr a esca fo rsnnttaei mceshiia
submitted by โcassdawg(1781)
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Kye essaptc of eth :otienusq
erncesaI in yenogx ptsinuncomo is the lrmaon rnseopes to cxrieees adn anole si not .thloopacgi aurarcaslEvtx insmsrpoceo fo teh rnoyaroc serreita si salo cedesinord lmnoar dna tgnipnachl;ooo sith si yhw osmt onroyrca olobd flwo sorcuc drgnui ieloadts adn hwy hte uneridmdcoa is tosm uesecslbtip to mcshaiei.