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Retired NBME 13 Answers

nbme13/Block 3/Question#5 (reveal difficulty score)
A previously healthy 42-year-old Asian woman ...
Induction of cytochrome P450 ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—iceberglettuce(15)
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Chconri HOEt uiensdc yt45P0.C hnepatcnAmeio mtelibasmo ldyesi NAIQP, chihw is gihhyl cx.ttiaoepoh

4y5tC0P recd:nsiu RCAP PSG

RAanCnmmaobaeppoaf zierc lihil tooncnn c(hh)eriiyP

oirlthleSaroG uvbPtinnb .esiof 'onshJ awrt

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submitted by โˆ—imgdoc(183)
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ihemcopnAaten rayolmln is edregdad by hpteica gionl,nioudcoart but ni nicroch cmhaotnineape r,ssue stih hapaytw eoebmcs ta"etduars". So the oydb essu teh .Cty 5P0-4 yneezm mystse to eovrtnc it to uoenenitneeca-yim-blqNonz Q()IPNA, wihhc eucssa feer cdiaarl dmaga.e eTh nsuoqtei s,sak icwhh fo eth inwllogof cesefft of lohaolc omst yelilk otteubircnd ot itsh iasnpett oo?inntdci

,A,B,CD era lal tain efre caaldir rt,nnaoeegi adn lowud otn tniruoctbe ot iths atensipt ooidn.tnci hsTi evasle E, Aoclohl is an erucdin aibs(lclay marsp up CYT p)045 fo hte P405 emyzne stmsey hcwhi sceuas eeelvdta sevell of IQNAP.

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