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NBME Free 120 Answers

free120/Block 1/Question#9 (reveal difficulty score)
During an experiment, a Southern blot ...
Gene rearrangement ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—waterloo(126)
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ouY nca ookl ta thsi useqotin ltagilt.earycs

  1. ueSonrht blot &-gt;- os NDA.
  2. yteh aer gnsui na esaenondceul to sfarnret ,bsti tsih 'esndto ryelal mean nagitnhy to oyu eyt.
  3. ADcN si ngpbrio for lgseni alnucnnlimnbmtigot-suoo ei.nrgo

Tsat'h mtoni,tpra csebeua wno oyu wnko yeth rea oiolkng ta eht nansoctt orgeni of uigmnnluioolbm kaa Fc fo teh vyeha nhcai.

oS hyw is itsh cDAN atth eodcens cF, ihgnglti up ynlo coen ni rohte sessu,it utb eht emsa cNDA ilthgs pu iepmullt emtsi in alen 2 oe(nb )rma?rwo Thsi si eecbsau, ta eth eobn oarwmr amondr iannroiotbmce of hlgti ro vahye china orc,usc dna uro NcDA si pnseter in dtnffieer dornma abmisocitonn with ghtli .ncihas haTt ccspiefi ANcD neeqesuc ethy uesd id'dtn enghca enwbeet eht uisstes ro even hwiitn hte bnoe wm,aorr and ti lwli oynl bdin ot teh eon neeg cuee.qsne Teh caft i'ts tnigihgl up tlmepuli tmise etlls uyo htta eht aesm uenseqce si pernte,s yuor sueqnoti si hwy os aymn semti.

solA a eisd tone, oeurhnts olbts ear meti cnioug,snm os slab esu troeh osethdm ot do eth meas hgtni ie(lk R),PC utb nrestohu bltos rae listl teh sbet enhw ti socem ot cekhgnci lmiugunlmbinoo adn T cell eprcteor eneg gaeneternarrm.

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sugaplum(487)
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hiTs ioentqsu is sgnkia obtau VJD gratereanenmr cwhih ehnppsa ni eth beno ar.rwom hTe egsne are lal cphdope pu uesbcea hte B ecll is yrintg ot nreeaegt a neuiuq onbincatiom rfo tsi oetrcrep
mieps l tp.cce.os.n odd gdoriwn

Cerathp 3 fo o"hw eht euinmm mstesy wr"kso - wsomeea book

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varunmehru  ni eth oiusnetq em,st tehy rae gaisnk auotb a tcstnoan enrio.g DJV gtaenrrrneame is rfo eht ela.rviab It ntsde'o aekm eenss :( +4
sallz  otBh eht tctansno (eyvah hcs)ain nad hte ligth acinhs gdurneo geen n.eetragemrnra eTh hyaev ahnci desuegron (VDJ) madorn nbmesniocr,aito ielhw hte gihlt cnhia gordneu JV adonmr n.mraibinooecst oS gnee gmertnearerna cdulo rokw fro otbh negirso. +13
azibird  heT nttnsaco egrion odse ont erogndu bir.ainnmotoec hast'T ywh it's clalde santc.ont 'sIt ujts itrhg xetn ot teh eralabvi groien uh,tgho os yeth gte pexesdser tretgeoh as eno irepotn. sTa'ht why teh tdsaeltlcnn-oeba DNA ogrien is aerabilv htnleg re.he +4
chaosawaits  'oeruY tihrg ahtt teh natotscn nergoi is ton gouginenrd ern.itaonciomb heT tpmluile snbda rea ont od ot canstnto egnior rr;egenntraeam tsi' deu ot hte rivaelab aicnh naragerirgn dan hnte teh NcAD rbeop htta is icisfepc ot the acttnosn oegrni ethtacas to ceha fo shete mra,etenragenrs einsc it hsn'at gdhecna +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—em_goldman(31)
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I eiebvle pl(s rrcoetc me fi m'I rnowg) ouy dowlu veha smriial rSthnuoe tolb tssrleu seen in B llesc odggnireun siotmca euronhmt,atiyp tub tath ktsae peacl ni eht ndyreoacs oyhipldm sisteu, ont in het enob raomw.r

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madamestep  I knhti yrue'o trghi +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—azibird(279)
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I raed ihst oetinusq as aanyznlgi lbmuglnuoimosin in hte oneb awrrom sv tuo ircugnictla eh.appryilrel I won zrleiae thsi si wrn,og dan etyh aer usjt ylnnigaza eth NDA of redfnfeit cell uanpotpl,io ekli a ecayothtep rof ealem,xp ton ubosigmlunmilon prnstee in the rv.iel

iWth sith celread ,up I anc ees woh VJ(D) einorntcaombi cdluo amke the ilginoar DNA necoits teorrhs. tuB how udlco )JDV( bonoaiecnmitr ylpsbios kaem hte NAD cnsiote ogle?nr eherT are abnds on teh elg thta rea ehhrig armllucoe htgiwe ni eht oenb wmrao.r iniobmtecoaRn lony rnohstes teh ,DAN onsoeem eplesa ecrortc .em

lsoA hyw si hrtee no andb ni eht enob rorwma htat si eht smea ezsi sa hlperpriae bdsa?n eurylS teh CSsH aevh not egnndeour ,rbtciaieononm reweh si rteih NDA???

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azibird  ereH si eht gfiure rfmo paaKln yglmnmo.Iuo eSe ohw coninbrioamet lyno aksem eht ueeescnq ?hrt eorssmIu2at:g/if//fcomHh.p/rjutla Kapn slao s:say Whlie" yevha canih nege esgmetns are ggdonunire ibnonioatm,rec eht mzynee mertilna teerydoycibnloldixou faneetrsrsa T(dt) rnlomady snirtse bsaes i(twohut a ltmeaept no het mnmaoceyrelpt )adrtns ta eth inctsujno fo ,V ,D nad J seemgtns oediN(tlnu-ce atdoi.ind) Teh mdaron addiiont of het cneu-lo tdie reeetsgna jiuntoncal ivr,.oys"eevdwtr eHi iths luwod ton caotunc fro eth ulaqe eitwspse getnhilgenn fo D,NA whhic is aryclel morf teseh bnrcameeobli .usnit +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hello(429)
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Eoihgcn 'or@tsaleow cen.tmmo

isTh Q is lsseitayenl sigakn hWt"a si the outnnfic fo eonhtrSu ?ltobs"

ws:reAn heT nifotunc fo rSheout losbt is to hccek orf RBC or RTC nege mnenertgraesra.

See oaerl't@osw alnieotapnx rof htwa si slpiecaciylf gingo no as fra sa wyh tehre rea trienedff dsnba at efnidftre e.pacsl Ain,ga eht snwaer ot isht is "eegn erene"amarngrt tub t@woeolra nexlpsai in iwht rmoe dta.iel

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—bwdc(697)
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ohSentur osblt rae loyocmnm sdue in lmaugliomnoic isde,ust as het rshntoue otbl slaowl for teh yustd of DAN ott.ilnersaa taWh is aronmlly one eneg cginrtuoaofin tleerda ot nmimue usilgbnlo in mtso uissest enotsaretmsd elmiutpl efrtdfien abdns in hte enob rrawo,m indeticiva fo egen eatmr.reneanrg hisT si aibslacyl ohw ew ceaetr wen itds.iaoneb Ravieetc eopsrsces era llooyclanp mlptul(ei db;)sna u,aeklemi ni sco,trnat si omnnlaoocl i(selgn )anbd.

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ali  I lilst โ€™odnt sundtrdnea tsih o.en Culdo uyo doripve a retbte on?txipalane +1
bwdc  The ADNc tag si gigngta a ontcastn eiorgn omocnm ot mguunli,monbisol os ti arlyomnl ylno ndisf teh oen dban rdoiecngsonrp ot tath arulicatpr egne the( snbda ltraev reifendtf nuastom ued ot hrite gidfirnef e.whiges/zi)t In eht nboe wromra eslmpa, htat geen has gneeradrra ts,flei os eth cDNA enolc idaestn asgt peumtlli derinfetf geesn that rae fo ftindfere zisse on eht elg (ecah eon has ahtt amse tonstnac oegrni the DNcA si gtggnia, utb tiwh refidneft sutff orunda ti ucsh hatt the ricisternot eezymn ash ctu ti pu ldtfee.iy)rnf Iโ€™d eb ahpyp for omnsoee to step in adn od a treetb ojb on atth nltonxi.aeap +19
em_goldman  A uroentSh otlb tasrts by tgntcui ADN arsdtns ta a urilaapcrt tsrho() tesi and iunnnrg meht rthhugo gle ctpeoreshesr,loi so ideianltc AND useqcseen etg ctu ta eth mase esit dna suth era hte sema ,lgethn os yteh rea ta teh smea claep on eht gle. fI et'sehr lsot of entrffied sseence,qu eht ioerstirnct lsoaeennduce t(eh oss)sisrc utc teh NDA ta nferetidf a,secpl nlgeida ot dasrnts ttha wree het seam tgelhn ilogrnylai btu ear won oslt fo ntidfefre tghlnse t-g&; rifdtneef ealcsp no het e.lg Btu who do you nokw htsi is hte seam eng,e sutj thiw nietfrfed anut?iosmt heT Shtrueon tolb ssue a oerpb to kolo ofr a rome cipfcise n)l(og norgei of NAD ttah oyu nwko is ni eth geartt neg.e oS neev hgtohu ehter aer iomustant aunsgic het ssepsileic-cf eceaendlunos ot tuc hte ADN at rdfentife pa,trs eth eolalvr chiratcuerte fo hte egen si rmialsi hoguen hatt the bpreo nac nd,bi hsut we wkon 'tis teh maes g.een dnA( ni oben orramw Ws,CB eth eaimhnmsc here is ctginee egaen.rre)anrtm +2

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