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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#24 (reveal difficulty score)
A 13-year-old girl who has a 6-year history ...
Discuss further the impact of the patient's illness on the family 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: ethics

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 +12  upvote downvote
submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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I juts hghottu of a wya to yl(lpfh)oeu aiovd tengitg esteh pytse fo swenrsa nwro.g sr,Fti hwne I read mhte I aaywls kolo rfo eth ltsea ase"solh" .wesran Tehn, if 'ruoey lstli scku,t yrt ot tup het esttnamet tnio a otuqe that you luowd asy to a napteit sa a s,piyianhc gmieremnber ttah dp-ee,nndoe noe-utnmdjlgan ioeussnqt rea .daeli

eTh arwesn for isth cludo eb rdeahps as a neusiatsmtne/tqteo by the ,cortdo ot hte ,imylaf sa "leTl me rome obuta ohw hits pimtaignc oyur ayimlf and yadil i.elf" daH ti eneb rpsehad ekil th,at I DILFEYNETI ntudlow' heav tteogn it go.rwn I woudl aveh erenv neve dha the tyorippuotn to make na atponimssu batuo hte ly'ifasm ghniitfg ibnge edu ot tdie ccnresno dna tsuh dineneg a ittroniiutns earrlfe (hcwih is thwa I c.eohs)

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usmile1  I tkinh eth nroesa iniietadc asw cteirncor si euacbse esh has adh sbtdeaie fro 6 yresa and reh itbseaed wsa ellw nroletdolc htat ineter .etmi ehTn for teh tasp two sthnom erh eoulcgs oocntlr sah ebne shTi si igipotnn swtrdoa the usesi ONT niebg ttha ythe 'ondt ownk hwo ot gemnaa the idaseetb os einerfrgr to a niadiitec wd'nutol eb lefsuu. +6
tiredofstudying  990./1990 mseit hte raesnw ilwl erevn eiucldn earrel.rf heT nyol oernsa I od ton yas 000101/ is usecaeb erthe may eb an awsern neo ayd ahtt is ot eer,fr tub hutrhog lal of WU, ,Rx adn NEMB it hsa rneev been to ,erfer so od whit that onif hwat uoy wlil +5
gutierreznar  Totughh ouatb nstapre ihfgntgi ta masle edu to moyne siseus fo erh iacpels idet so hyte ulsodh csidsus ti ihwt het eitaintd to rty ot tchwsi ot a hepacer vrktinniheOg a bit llo +

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by targetmle(10)
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tdn'olhSu ew sitfr dasreds hte uiess yb cgritoecrn hre olguces lelsev yb rtsgjuieadn sinunli dan ethn see hwta rae the emblspr?o

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am4140  sThi si wath I dikecp nda awht I’d slitl pcik ni rlae ie.lf heT tcaf that her tbedseia aws ctenlorlod rbeefo ’esdtno ghneac teh ctaf ttha si’t ont ldlncetoro .w.on. eybam we ucldo aghenc the liuinsn bkac to wtah it asw fraet hety teg teihr imafly issues ie,xdf tub the tptsnae’i mtmedaiei odobl sragu lvlese deen ettemarnt MI.O ’Im ujst igngo ot ssim stehe uoessqnit fvreroe, I k.hitn +1

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by sabistonsurgery(5)
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oT get uchs auegv nesusqoit rg:ith

  1. Cedisrno nygsai lla the etasmnetts ni teh nateissrk tnoe obesplis runde royu brthea aasn(elttr to hmteor etguon fi IGM rof uobsn fe)ft.ce

opSt" kicB"reign - wehli ,gyinsa d'ont oyu teg a tihn fo rltpsamiae,n keli het ctoodr etrignta teh rnpates as eetrnegas vsetmh.eels Tyeh rae lulfy prugo-nw tshmvee;lse yhte wkon ethy luhotd'ns iberck!

  1. nto'D hosceo eht reefr otinpo on epSt 1 99(% of het miet ecr.) esnusl no roeht oitopn ta lal tsfi uyor scea rtsifl odWUr has qneusitso going to court as teh trgih anrews !evne tuB in lal of mhte, ti swa teievdn tath on othre ipnoto loduc omce eolcs ot ebngi tnelpt/ghl//iilileyoaelceca c.ertocr

  2. snOpoti thta yas - sge/sk/soudnrasioaudc/rceseen - era syawla epf.errder nommtncoiCuai = KyesuQntesio

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regularstudent  I love tish o.alm I iads otsp rnbgeiikc ebusaec I ohhgtut it lwduo be ekducf up to kas hte resanpt batou owh rehit i'kds ebdiesat has epadtmci iterh ilefmMa .y So:" ohw has sith ksdi' dssieea edtcampi uyro ly?"aifm rnOs "e!Phat re'we taobu ot oevcird aucsbee fo thsi nifckug ki.d hsSe' a tntonsca sts,ser nad h'astt ywh ew tntslynoac i,fhgt veen iundgr dnrein dan ta hte odcso'tr !effo"ci +4
unknown001  llo. hits tmmecon edma ym yda +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by subclaviansteele(11)
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h..gU. otg drpipte pu thiw "freeR btho tetnaip dan ehr stnaper ot a daiitinc"e

Oerv .iitInhg.n.k ogttuhh eth roesuc of htire raunsmget erew ta elma stime se.yliecl.o.pas bymae eyth acn dinf a doog sotoilnu whit a icedniati.

COsMCA ZRRAO SITH IT.SH peke it mesilp i.utpsd Teh awnesr fsti eth stbe ratfe er gidnare .it

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nwinkelmann  .EM...AS !hgu +
johnson  Alos - 'ueoyr malsto NEERV iasseern/rgrifnpg on a etiptna wthi hte UMES.L +9
bmd12  eThy rae ta elma ie,mts ihchw si ywh s'she vnigah ufyditlicf lwofoglin eth dsperrecib deit bc reh nesrtpa are rigaugn uridgn thta item os sit ufdftcili fro erh ot rotlcreyc ueeetxc it when etehry yotastlncn cnikrgibe, dan bc 'sesh nylo 13 so hes tcna ytlfveceife angmea ehr edit uhiottw the pehl fo erh .arpntes ndA icesn eth deit sah eebn owikngr tihw teh etapnti priro to lal het ,rengkbcii ouy anc ssaeum eth diet is otn teh oort aces.u +1
jamaicabliz  teh iruanvels s:scoanntt ahteD, eTas,x dan rvnee snionucgtl hte tciehs mticmoete +
meryen13  hatt is elitrylla what I hoh!ttug thwa fi ehyt t'odn ifx herti uiess dan shti poor idk lwil heva lemcicyg otcolrn us!ises ixngfi lifamy si not a neo yda w!ork ixf cusgelo stifr nda orkw on afmily uisse erov !!eeswk! ahtst( hwat 'llI do ni laer fli)e (:(((( +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by therealslimshady(42)
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Yuo can lieeantim C csaueeb ehr sabeteid swa llew clondotlre ni eht a.pts Teh tfac taht etrhe si restss ni ehr ylfiam and ehs has opor suloegc crotlon elstl uoy ttha hte rhe opor leocgus cootnlr si esrdoyacn to hte estsrs in erh l.yifma oS uoy tanw to ixf hte laer o,leprmb and to od s,thi ouy edne emro irominftnoa aobtu ,it os ipkc B, as nedeepdn-o nquotises illw layaws vieg eht iiahcnpsy mero sitginh to as'hwt gnoig no dan breett eb ealb ot ciedde hwo ot kcealt eht opemlrb

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by hhsuperhigh(49)
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Teh dite si sibcerpe,rd os no deen to eferr ot initadeic enoyrm.a It is a sace fo the etnitap -olnnpeionmcca fo .dite But hyw n'atc evidsa eth eapntsr to pots neg?ikricb

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therealslimshady  I emreebrm Bdosar adn Bydnoe dasi hatt you enevr atwn ot ipck yna setntatmes hatt sodun ",nigodcls" spul it ctloudn' be mcuh hpel to utsj ysa ostp" ugnri"g,a ist' ertetb to idfn uto oriantofinm on hstaw' aingsuc teh rugaign os ahtt ouy can post it ee,ntrily wihch ceohci B lilw alowl ouy ot do. +
tyrionwill  ssrtse is the thgin to erosw het onocintid of DM, adn wlli be rtbeet tefra bieng nees, ,eoorctmdf nad pade.tcec +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by thisshouldbefree(51)
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I tsdnlatear ocihec B to "eht natresp era gnuarig uotba hirte clidh and eefherrot by nagyis iths i am ngdaid lfue to het "frei I hocse A bucease i degfrui tnhgi rea ignttge headte adn fheerreto cdo dhoslu try to lamc inhstg dnow bfreeo edoncepirg

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by unknown001(9)
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eoswaem agnlaoy . 3 psets ot iecths

  1. aselt sesloha rwsean
  2. itoplest
  3. no rstoh tsuc ( liek aekt eht lgoenr rreadh mtos kannlsiipgtya alfoiifc eruot ot yan s.e)orscp

s.p last oni,pt yuo lwil ees ist use ni rteoh eouint,sqs ton isht eon

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