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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#17 (reveal difficulty score)
A 63-year-old woman undergoes operative ...
Decreased movement through the arachnoid villi ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +18  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—happysingh(57)
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o,s eth eyK odwrs thta on eno si nnieitomng : nmncuiagmtioc aohchusypelrd

the ptphyaohs soge ielk isht :

an ytfamialromn neittsg (.,e.i idoabhsnacur eh)rahomegr yidle sfiisobr / sgrrniac fo teh hcodaianr nnrliouasgat &=;gt apmdieir FSC gdrnaaei

het eky ptions / tnosccep hyet rea tnrigy ot etts ereh : 1. od uoy nokw whta ngmtcomiicnua pehsluarohcyd ittowhu( htem entillg uoy seoth osrwd) . 2 od uoy wnok asw'th eht yhogslayoitphop fo( octagnnmmuiic ycdhp)esurahol si ?

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potentialdoctor1  atcxl.Ey oT add ot it,hs notganucicmim rsuhdhoyecpal acn be iuddbseidv sa ursospe:wo eNsl- rmfolrla phrhcoay:sulde ugrrnCalhaic/od dseecrae ni FCS peboianortrs at rocdnaahi ualsrgtano,in yluusla deu ot cntoiiafaiccl deu to .iggan FSC atcseualcmu ,yslowl os ilsrneevtc rae leab to wedin wuhotti gcsnaui an itparnomt sneiarce in tcananrliiar erepsrs.u ySmmtops rccou due to orsmsecopni of rpcnveaurteirli iehtw trmtae rttcas &;-t--g kyaW,c ylwbb,o H g-wsresiruphtee paydsouel:hhrc cAeut eecsadre ni SFC naooesipbrtr at aoadhrnci istrual,angon ualsylu ude ot moamlanirtfy staet ni hte csnbuhoadiar pcesa g(,e mieginnsi,t cnsoih-uaarbd e).oahgmrehr FSC tacmcsueula l,dsueydn ngsuaic an tee-ancstou esnicare ni nairictaranl esrseup r +9
sunshinesweetheart  otn ot keat ywaa rfmo oruy fetrpec pnaosx,nlitae but fi ti erwe a mowan with enck sfetsfisn nda eevfr rethra( athn rilcec of liliws re)urutp ahtt ocldu aedl ot cdsareine CSF pnori,toduc gith?r I thnki 'ahtst het nlyo caes wheer SFC ciutpdnoor uwodl eceai.rsn lAso I hknit cedr tpbsoirnoa in hraicanod gonltsnaauir ni atht onaistiut sa llew os td'i be a sthi neostiuq +1
peqmd  fI neoany kiel em osla tgo "eesdecdra oprtiosnba in iodroch xus",lep as heitr wrogn enarws sti' caebuse the rohoidc plsuex 'nsetod robasb"" it dor.upsce +18
alienfever  AF 91 01p5 +3
alienfever  fI oaynne ochse ,F omocaiuntmnic cplrsyhduaeho is csaude yb creaeesdd norobtiasp dan ton esdcaeinr .ocduiportn FA 91 .p510 +3
an_improved_me  oS she ash a aneilgk resamynu ofr how ..gnol gets ti ereir,dap adn nhte ihtnwi 2 yads sha an ytamfilonrma soerspen ttha aesld to ddareecse CFS psointbroa at adnorciah sI it eht dgbenile sacoiedats wiht the snryumea cniusga it? The eysrrug? I'm nlienicd ot asy eht el,attr gvnie that it aepsnph teciynocidln rafet eht g,esyurr nad tno ofr wroevhe onlg ti swa geilkna taThs hwat ptnrpiig em u.p +1

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—colonelred_(124)
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lNomarly het hacadroni ilvil asdnir eht FCS mfro hte aocbhdrunias ascep ot hte nouevs s;etysm if isth aprt emesobc edecvfeti hnet you anc eiagnim all ttha FSC nwo nblgidiu up ni teh habaisnorudc sa.pec

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keycompany  loAs teak into utcacon isth tipntea dha sgeuryr ttha ueqeirsr potineantre oint eht bsduacharoin seacp hn(cee guhorht eht oaicdarnh emat.r) ishT nca lead ot raincgrs fo the hoaairdcn otnsagulrnia nda nqesusutbe gtnccinoumima leyuhpcsrhoda. +17

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—roygbiv(25)
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hTe ianptet sha a inkelag breyr sruaeynm -g-t;& tihs dleas to a cadbisonuahr ohrrhageem or( gakleae otni cdsaniahorub cseap) g--&;t ucaet AHS acn adle ot eredascde otbsoniarp dan omemnvte iva iardcnoha vilil

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zbird  So itsh atepitn sah a iekngal yebrr mseynura hwihc reodengnu to suygerr and irardpee btu in tow ysda ehs depeldveo wnngdiie fo hte AS paecs hcwih loduc eb ianedexpl yb ancseride SCF iptncourod ubt a csreedade ni ntroboia,ps hwchi si deu ot lbkeoagc of eht ordacniiha rutoainlgsna yb hte kedeal edr dna wehit eclls eeftrerho heert si a ddcesraee eevnmmto of teh SCF aiv hte ianidrchoa vllii +1

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—diabetes(31)
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yismpl hte obdlo ieinds eht SCF becmeo bclkoed thhurog rhcainaod nasrulnoaitg t=&;=g cedaeesr apotosibnr fo mgc&Cgm=otnt;niuaScFi= cahsyelrpu.ohd

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madamestep  I asw ontwrh fof rof a codens saueecb 'Id evner ehadr fo mhte lcdlae ii"vll" harert tahn ."gtna"suroainl Btu if NEBM veosl gtnnayhi t'si ungis cusrboe augaglne +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—krewfoo99(115)
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hWy lwodu ddecesare emomntve throguh hte barcleere auqcaudt be wnr?og tihW all het uldib fo dbolo in teh CSF ttarc ihtutow nosiotpb,ra dultnwo toeemnvm oals be creeesdda rohuhgt eht q?adutcue

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ergogenic22  tish udlwo acesu a ongiconamunt-imnc shyuadopcrlhe hiwt rignlenga fo het aarllte nda 3dr rtesevicnl ubt laornm t4h terleicnv adn hrnuodcaiasb csaep +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—iwannabedonewiththis(1)
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culod it losa eb osbeipls ot get hsit yb ebmimegnrer eth enerifdtf nreletvic scepsa sa .elwl i hytlsnoe dnidt eremerbm wtha rpdulaheyscoh hist coldu be. tBu i reebedmerm eht nmnomtcie ITL FAF ot SleAt(L.aarD vrleitanc, nruecatitnrilavr noamiarf fo ,omonre rithd cnrlieavt, carebler dtucuaq,e foruht vrtleicne, naomfiar fo hlks,ua asaoancibu,hnrd dniahracao ta,lnanogiurs rdlau uvneos )issu.n Adn i odnzriegce htye reew knitlag ubato a gidinw of sdauhcibnarao ecasp adn httghou what saw het secltos inght ot rerfnetiee dan stath woh i tog ot B.

Aosl i usjt tanw to asy oilkngo at hte snwesar i nwko tis a nucmiacnimgto sdlua,oyphhcre i juts anawn wnko fi hsit asw olsa a dogo yaw ot ettrxca het aersnw or fi i ujst dnwied pu ineggtt kulyc a ltilte OLL.

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