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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 3/Question#2 (reveal difficulty score)
A 28-year-old man has a blood pressure cuff ...
Adenosine 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: biochem metabolism acid_base blood_physiology

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 +95  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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Aterf het cffu si d,iet teh leslc adn stisue idastl ot eht cuff lilw ocitneun nimusngco ATP (tgPAD&AT-P;,) ubt no rsehf doolb lwil eb rdildeeev ot l”ea“cr ahwt lilw be na alncuaimgtuc nuatmo fo ADP nda teorh t.miatlsebeo PAD onAni=)(esde si sletif a xpory of mnputoiscno dan diserv insidltovaao of serrat!ei tnEo(uoliv is )!rtsma sIacninegr nDdAn/oePisAe ni a alolc“ nminvteenro” is a inlgsa ot hte dbyo ahtt a olt of nuonmosptci si ircucogrn h;eetr sht,u aeresitr nda isreoeratl aarnluytl tailde ot rnseaice olobd olwf asrte dna “pwees aw”ya bmeltiaco rodp.byutcs

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lispectedwumbologist  Yeoru' a dogo .mna Tnhak uy.o +1
drdoom  oS gald ti lpeedh! +1
seagull  yrev ellw up,t thkna yuo +2
eosinophil_council  ae!rtG +
aisel1787  .gdlo htnak !uoy +
pediculushumanus  biuftleau iolnepx!taan +2
rockodude  stih aneixpalnot swa on rap wiht .Dr rattSa IMO +3
flvent2120  Juts ot dad no ot :ihts AF2020 g.p 792. LKCAH (Cia,clmu H,+ ioedsA,nne tatc,aeL K)+ is nwonk to tilaeodsav umlssec griund crexeise sa llew sa aulgrete heipscymtat neot of ireerast at trse +3
omarjenny  rD aStrat dna opathma aiefdl ltao eoelpp dotn' ecrndemmo emth. +

 +10  upvote downvote
submitted by newrose(10)
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Can osnmeoe aclifry wyh sticcyPoarln saw ?onwgr I enwk het LHCAK tignh utb orf semo oenrsa dha luerbot rnilgu uot oirctyslpnca nisec i'st a lovdoaisrta

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cassdawg  My best ansrew fro isht si that eth btes esanwr is iosdannee ceesbua ti is skgnai ofr wihch is vnldvioe ni het inchaesmm of ricateve hpamyeier chihw( nvisvole silaimr acmsmhsnie ot rutn)ialgeoutoa fo lbodo wlfo, wcihh oesvvnli CLK.HA ilWeh oodailsvtrsa ekli IP2G plrocnica(ty) aer dvlrastiaoso ti si esdlraee ta a ebas evlel yb the lgsnu dna ntuieel,dmho dna eaetelards egrihh slelev ni ncesiants shcu sa i.tmlaamionfn tPcisaynlcor is ont lsaderee in cvaeetri yerm.pahei If yuo atnw a eefersrhr taubo vetcia v riveeatc praieehmy: 2+r/do/i:rplnl2aes+/.te2we/osclC++%la4hsoseLrpe/e1olo9gnl./ogmta/aoysdimjleirtspciR5t+/cAAo+dflFBo33iet4. ehTy rae btoh idmateed yb lamiobetc stimnaeed.erti as mtendnieo ao.vbe +4
cbreland  I pdecik nyriascotclp for eht asem asenor. endAnise adn eht etorh CLHKA ttmblsaoeie seakm sseen ou.thhg I sguse t'ahts ywh ryou revtrnss/ieaei aietdl nhwe rkowngi tou +2

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by madojo(212)
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I tond' nokw if tish aws the rtigh way i thgthuo utboa it ubt i mebmrdeeer .h.LA .tK.eHC shgtni thta csaue niilaavdstoo ni alseltke esmluc

C - Co,2 H - ,+H A- nnioas,ede L - cttlaae -K +K

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drdoom  Tsih is ;trage tsehe are all osipexr fo ,bsalcioatm e..,i ""nte TPA nonitomus!cp P)A&(TtD-;gPA +1
drdoom  siousmtPa hmgit eb hte eon ahtt et'odns seme to tif tbu rlelac that lscel haev an +K+H/ nertopair:t clles cna cat sa a n""sik rof hghi bolod +;H tyhe teak" p"u +H fr(om oo,ldb otni lecl) but "ni x"cgehnea eyth heva to ptu tou a +K to( mntaiain a lrmnao )rietgte-enl.oadrc oS, as dbloo acdi attssr to epecr ,up clsle uyacallt tmaept"t" to rigbn it ckba to iuiuqriemlb by sknigcu up H+ (nda tungtip tuo ,K+ iwch,h as uoy relysu lclera ;,) si teh nnpteardimo canito hnwiit ls)ecl. +3
misterdoctor69  ,mdrd@oo wldou oyu sola vntreue ot yas that hteer is edansreic Ka/N++ ATsePa viitayct in an sarndciee eomcilatb teats hcihw ighmt salo trtuenbcio to rrtaeeg +K uxfefl niot eht lbd?oo +
drdoom  dcioos,6tmer9tr@ .on stmoisauP wfol is envidr by tis hilacmce eangtrdi m(orf iesdin lelc, rwhee tis eictncntooran si i,ghh to it)eo.sdu fI K+ eflxfu si airednse,c teh sbet ipcrtlu wloud eb eth /+HK+ pttieanorr (hwich ta“esk pu” a tnr,oop ubt has ot rs“er”duren a sio,uastmp in na tetamtp to oemrve adci morf eth obdlo — cdcaii ,blood fo uocer,s gbnie na iiebenvlat oomtuec fo dvrvee btmaciole sta:et ten PTA nptoisnucmo m&pa; hhig 2OC runip)ctd.oo +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by pmnbp(2)
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dluoc eoonmse elesap inxplae wyh seiendona is rctecor?

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drdoom  Afret het fufc si idte, teh lcsel and tseuis tsalid ot eht cfuf iwll eotnnciu cigmosnnu ATP >P(,AAPT-D) ubt on frhse bdolo ilwl eb rlvideede to ler”c“a wtah liwl eb an aciuctalngum uomant of DAP nad eotrh a.eeitbmltos DAP i=(nn)edeosA is ilsetf a xyorp fo spuicomnotn adn dvesir taodiialsvon of aireetr!s vlouni(oEt si mts)!ra sneiarIgnc ednAADns/Pieo in a “alcol nnivtener”om is a asilng ot eth obyd atht a tlo of osmuiopctnn si ucnrcrogi ehr;et t,shu ieetrars dan saeorliter lanyutlra aldite ot nisrcaee boodl fwlo tsrae dan spee“w aw”ya alocmietb ptyrosc.udb +1

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