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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 4/Question#40 (reveal difficulty score)
A study is conducted to assess the normal ...
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 +19  upvote downvote
submitted by seagull(1933)
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nxaigimEn atntiep rfom a rlgusotoi elspiim ernksBo aisB wichh duolw wske hte uptopoialn aemn of ersum euar tneroign yaaw romf eth reut eacutcar eamn. Te,nh leiezra ciosierpn si edtndneep no tialcsasitt r"Pew"o chhiw is rsenacdie asdeb on eht szei of het tplinuopao of eth dstyu. crniesead( ecnsproii = acenrieds stiaatslitc r.pweo) Tefr,eehor na eeiscnar in otuopnpila fo a aedbsi oupgr htiw dela to naarccicuy with hghi r.psiincoe

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forerofore  to dda p,u hte rsuolotgi lhmsefi ensto'd add ro evrmoe arayccuc ciesn( iths si a dbool stet), twah reecssdea the caccruya is the acft atth ni edror ot eb ntse ot a oilgtosru uoy balbrpoy ear skic ni teh fstir pceal l(tniocese ib,as) os uyor eaur rgeiotnn is leiykl ot eb teelrda. +27
sharpscontainer  I toutghh fo sipreonic sa rmoe fo a otuicfnn fo vrinaeac. rnaeVaci ilwl eedescar hitw a arrgete lmsaep e.szi dHa a rahd mtie uescbae I aws ingikthn otuba hteso 4 rand sattrge w(uotndl' 500 sratd kolo rmoe dserap uto ntah ?10 ubt no, hte naarveic lliw eb btre)te taht veha enbe ni ym tboxekots eiscn 7ht aredg dan orf the ritsf emti I saw sdake a eqnotius outba tish ptoncec ynol to vscirdoe ttah I 'didtn heav ti owdn as lewl as I ema.susd +1
peridot  hnnarpt@osasrcei I lfee ,yuo I tghothu hte tcaxe esma hitg.n oekLdo oitn ti a tbi adn I ntkih it sha ghnsioetm to do whti eth way sdatnrad rerro or atdrasdn edtovinai or ngtiemohs keil htta is cdel,luctaa but I'm litls csdnouef dan oot dtrie to igd t.eruhfr o,Asl tendaw to nimnote that shti BNME has a rmilsia oneuistq tub seditan i'st otuab hte 95% nfneeoiccd eanrltvi - ebmay tlhla't phle oyu arduntsnde the oiecpnris ntigh eetrtb eicns het %95 ienconecdf nleartiv osanrwr itwh a elrrga amslep ?ezsi So is't danki edit ot onsr?pieic +

 +10  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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.1 paExelm of arucnecait btu ylihgh cpiesre 
    .a 500 spenttai iesnge a uipaatcrlr codtor for a acupitarlr e
2islln.s mEealxp fo crecatau utb iiempsre
c    .a 10 nspietat ndouger a gesecrinn ta a mall .
3 hoBt atcuAecr and rseiepc 
    a. 500 netaitps gi(hh epni)rosic urogedn a eincrngse i(ghh acuryacc ~ no abis ro mycesist rrr)o
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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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cyAcrcua nsaem hte taad pnsiot ear ede,spirds utb ehwn oyu kate het enma fo etohs n,opsti ttha nema l“p(sema ma”)ne is rabyen hte oitlpaunpo emna “etr(u )amn.”e atDa psotni are “omer cpeiers” if eth pioeinrssd scsaro aatd ntpois is remslal ahnt some ohrte tse fo aatd ptnois o(nteci hwo sith is a mnorsoipac dan otn na stelbu”oa“ entttame);s cnrsepiio syas gtionnh btoau woh eoscl teh eraagev of teh aadt spoitn rae ot eth er“tu .”eanm

Kpee in inmd htat yrcaccua dna csrniioep aer rlaivtee dssecpriro;t uoy c’tan say oass“n--od si spceeir;” no, uyo acn ylon sya shahuuc-n“-cds si mero pieecrs htan dso-n-”soa ro na-“sd-oso si rmeo uceracat naht nda-s” S,o ni isth ,seca we cna eifnr thta NEMB cssonerdi nme“ at the tusorgil”o to ahev NsUB atht rea cesrol ot haec htroe om(re eut;srdecl mroe pc;risee esls rdeisep)sd tnah the UNBs of e“nm at ml”.la

seH’re a ince iga:em

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by cuthbertallg0od(15)
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ncssiguDsi oinsicerp ynlo kemas sesen if teyh erwe ot lpaems "X # "tntpasie ptiellum teism adn ese ohw celso hte itfedfrne sanusrmmeete' surtlse eerw ot ecah htr.eo ehT ulatac zeis of the laesmp hulotd's cafetf isieoprc,n ubt arhrte ti hudlos tujs etcffa cuarcyac wcih(h si duedcer yb eht daebsi pulnipoaot at teh losio.ugt)r Smh

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by ali_hassan(11)
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How deos 005 nme ihtw iusoavr ruogoclail onoictdisn eltsru ni a ereipsc aietm?est 'odntuWl eth atveyri fo sleavu ude ot auovris esgedre fo liessnl deceru inperoisc dan cseua a rweid i?yvetra

Mabey I ouhgrtvoteh it

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