Do not dare hedaa if yuo hvea ton atnke EMNB 2!2!!
m'I mhs ta itsh inuqtseo secebau in EBNM ,22 yeht sdeecirb a oiacrsne ni wihhc meldoiprea euasdc CSN tsfceef - yritarlluapc yvantolirte droeipness dna ew reew pspeudos to knwo ttha ti wsa driam.oleep I sgseu hsti euqisnto ifsicpede illte"t to o"n ehtrra ahtn none" ta "lla utb omce N,O Im' eoyandn htat we have ot aatsrepe cuhs yckpntii eltida whne neo qintoesu pmseszahie its lcka of SNC es,cetff htne eyth rtnu donaru adn ttse su no an cpeixonte fo shit etcax emas .onenctt e/nd antr
ihTs wsa tno yrve iatfirvnoem at l,al I jstu ntadew to odaotnlsiec a lramiis tneousqi thta I newk I adh juts nese btu ti tnerdu tion em sujt ibeng rgnya Im' yrso.r
iemdoraelp is sliacblya pytehdoinelax + at.inpeor roneitap is deadd to reecdu esbau nteatopli by .onaydlxpihtee
submitted by โhungrybox(1277)
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eLdmrpo:aie tgnAios at opuioi-d epe.rcrsto lSsow gut yiimtolt ebme(rmr,e aotconspitni si a moncom side tefcfe rof lla ).pdiosio
uizq oeluy:rfs
:Q louWd a jkunie tanw to eus armo?depLei
A: o,N ti sha roop SCN aottpeeinnr chih(w is hwy ti ahs a low dtavicide ett).nlopai
:Q ouldW a nkjeui atrher aveh ipmenroh or pronb?epenurhi
A: .prMoneih ohtB aer o-oiupid ,nsogtias but rpnomhei is a fllu sngitao lhewi hrprbopeuenni is yonl a lrpaita inos.atg
:Q hatW abuto ephmroin .sv idocnee?
A: Tckir notiequs, hobt aer ataiprl snisa.tog