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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 4/Question#40 (reveal difficulty score)
A study is conducted to assess the normal ...
500 Men from a list of patients scheduled to be examined by a urologist 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +19  upvote downvote
submitted by seagull(1933)
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iEmnnigax etaitnp from a tgrooiusl iplimse Borsnke siaB hchwi duolw eskw eth potunlpioa mena fo mresu areu reonitng aawy mrfo the rute aruaecct .enam h,Tne zelaeri ceisoipnr si ddptneene on sttaticsial wre"Po" ichwh si endesrica desab on teh iezs fo eht olputpanio of het sydtu. ca(enedris csioprine = dasnrieec saislttaict ).opwer fr,eoeehTr an esencria ni uloiatoppn of a deasbi grpuo whit laed to iuyaarcccn wiht hghi ic.rpiseon

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forerofore  ot add ,pu eht oslorguti isemlhf ten'ods dda or oerevm ccrcyuaa (censi ihst is a dobol ttes,) hatw casredsee hte uccyacar is eht ftca atht ni redro to be tnes to a lsugrioto uoy bolbyarp era iksc in eht ftsri celpa tcsnle(ioe ,s)aib so yoru uaer tngiorne is iklley ot eb ldraee.t +27
sharpscontainer  I uthhtgo of icirpoesn as oerm fo a utnfncoi fo .encaairv inecarVa lliw scerdeae thwi a errateg plesam .zise dHa a dhar itme bseeacu I swa iihtkgnn botua shoet 4 nadr ttsegar n(utodw'l 050 dtrsa kloo emor epdasr uot than 0?1 but no, het rvaaiecn lilw eb )eetrbt ahtt heva eebn in ym kbttsoeox isnec 7th aerdg and orf the tsrfi imet I wsa kadse a snietouq aoutb itsh nectocp onyl to voedircs htat I ti'ndd aveh it nodw sa elwl sa I d.eassum +1
peridot  pihorncsae@stran I leef ouy, I htohtgu hte xceta easm gnti.h kdooLe iotn ti a bit dna I hnitk it sha onmgesthi to do twhi hte awy rddnasta error or atnddasr vondiiaet ro gnmhtseio ikle htta si auccldlt,ae but Im' sltli secudnfo nda too retid to dig eur.frth sl,oA dwtnae to eonitnm taht hsit EMBN ash a ialsmri ionsueqt tub dtniesa 'tsi aoubt het 5%9 nfecdencoi iantvrle - bmeya lthl'ta plhe you rsduenadnt het oiernpics gtnih ettbre iecsn hte 95% onfcndceie ievrtlna srawnor tihw a rgelra paeslm zs?ei oS si't iakdn deti to siocpirne? +

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 +10  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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.1 eplExam fo tniccuraea ubt hlgihy isecrep 
    a. 050 ateipnst nisege a rtalraipcu toocdr fro a pcrtiualar nl.sil2
es meapElx of eucarcta btu pris
eiecm    a. 10 ntiastep uondegr a csginreen at a llma 3.
 Bhot arctucAe nad ericpse 
    a. 500 tnestpia ihgh( pnoi)isrce enguord a nrsceieng hghi( cacyucar ~ no sbia ro ysitmecs rr)ero
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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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rycAcacu smaen het aadt ipntos ear ,drepessid utb nwhe uyo atek eth eanm fo oehts tsion,p tath nema mlsp“e(a eamn”) si renyba eth olatopupni maen u“t(er a”) Daat opstni aer e“mor rcs”ieep fi the ipodsrnesi rascos atda ionstp is larmsel tahn mseo etohr ets fo adat sonipt nciteo( how hist is a ormcposani nad ton na t”e“ausbol ;anmet)tset psirinoec yass onnihgt buota how oecsl eth eaevgar of the adat npstio ear to teh etur“ nme.a”

pKee in dnim tath ycacrauc dna ripcnesoi are lreiatve edprotrcssi; uoy ncat’ ays --naoosds“ is ”i;cpsere on, uoy acn nloy sya -dnhhuasc-“usc is emor srepice atnh ns-das”oo- ro s--sad“ono si mreo eauctacr atnh uc” S,o in thsi s,aec we nac nerif htta EMBN rsdeocsni e“nm at het oiugrst”lo ot vhae UBNs ttha are srleoc to heca htero ero(m tcdls;ereu mero reice;sp lsse iredd)pses tnha the BsUN of n“em at .ma”ll

rHse’e a ecin gm:eia

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submitted by cuthbertallg0od(15)
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snssDuiicg ncpieosri only kamse snese fi teyh rwee to mpeasl "X # ntatpeis" upetilml isemt nad ese ohw esloc teh nfetferdi smeere'uamstn rustsel eerw to eahc ertoh. eTh ltacua szie fo het selamp dls'hout fteafc soiperinc, ubt etahrr it usohld ujst fafcet ccuacary hi(wch is cdeedur yb het idsbae luopiatnop at eth uro.gloi)st Shm

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submitted by ali_hassan(11)
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wHo osed 005 men itwh svoariu gliucarolo snoinictdo stelru ni a scpiere asee?mitt u'donltW eth ryevati of elsavu ued to orivusa dseereg of ellnssi ucered iioensprc dan escua a rwied ariyte?v

eMyab I thohtvueogr ti

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