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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 4/Question#40 (reveal difficulty score)
A study is conducted to assess the normal ...
500 Men from a list of patients scheduled to be examined by a urologist 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +19  upvote downvote
submitted by seagull(1933)
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Examining patient from a urologist implies Berkson Bias which would skew the population mean of serum urea nitrogen away from the true accurate mean. Then, realize precision is dependent on statistical "Power" which is increased based on the size of the population of the study. (increased precision = increased statistical power). Therefore, an increase in population of a biased group with lead to inaccuracy with high precision.

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forerofore  to add up, the urologist himself doesn't add or remove accuracy (since this is a blood test), what decreases the accuracy is the fact that in order to be sent to a urologist you probably are sick in the first place (selection bias), so your urea nitrogen is likely to be altered. +27
sharpscontainer  I thought of precision as more of a function of variance. Variance will decrease with a greater sample size. Had a hard time because I was thinking about those 4 darn targets (wouldn't 500 darts look more spread out than 10? but no, the variance will be better) that have been in my textbooks since 7th grade and for the first time I was asked a question about this concept only to discover that I didn't have it down as well as I assumed. +1
peridot  @sharpscontainer I feel you, I thought the exact same thing. Looked into it a bit and I think it has something to do with the way standard error or standard deviation or something like that is calculated, but I'm still confused and too tired to dig further. Also, wanted to mention that this NBME has a similar question but instead it's about the 95% confidence interval - maybe that'll help you understand the precision thing better since the 95% confidence interval narrows with a larger sample size? So it's kinda tied to precision? +

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 +10  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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1. Example of inaccurate but highly precise 
    a. 500 patients seeing a particular doctor for a particular illness
2. Example of accurate but imprecise
    a. 10 patients undergo a screening at a mall 
3. Both Accurate and precise 
    a. 500 patients (high precision) undergo a screening (high accuracy ~ no bias or systemic error)
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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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Accuracy means the data points are dispersed, but when you take the mean of those points, that mean (“sample mean”) is nearby the population mean (“true mean”). Data points are “more precise” if the dispersion across data points is smaller than some other set of data points (notice how this is a comparison and not an “absolute” statement); precision says nothing about how close the average of the data points are to the “true mean.”

Keep in mind that accuracy and precision are relative descriptors; you can’t say “so-and-so is precise”; no, you can only say “such-and-such is more precise than so-and-so” or “so-and-so is more accurate than such-and-such.” So, in this case, we can infer that NBME considers “men at the urologist” to have BUNs that are closer to each other (more clustered; more precise; less dispersed) than the BUNs of “men at mall.”

Here’s a nice image:

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submitted by cuthbertallg0od(15)
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Discussing precision only makes sense if they were to sample "X # patients" multiple times and see how close the different measurements' results were to each other. The actual size of the sample should't affect precision, but rather it should just affect accuracy (which is reduced by the biased population at the urologist). Smh

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submitted by ali_hassan(11)
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How does 500 men with various urological conditions result in a precise estimate? Wouldn't the variety of values due to various degrees of illness reduce precision and cause a wider variety?

Maybe I overthought it

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