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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 4/Question#25 (reveal difficulty score)
An 80-year-old woman cannot concentrate her ...
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tags: calculation

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 +25  upvote downvote
submitted by flashvoyger(25)
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eTh neuiqtos si aisngk uoy woh umhc etawr utsm eht maown eakt ni to niaatnmi het asem .lsomotayli ihTs amwno tksea in 045 mmOs fo osutel rpe .ady hTis si a tiun of nauetersmem -- nihkt of ti ikle s.gmar

For hre to epke het sema yooimtlals hse utms exetcre 504 sOmm epr dya. eTh lnoy awy for rhe ot exeretc eth ostuel si vai the i.ndeysk heT oynl ywa rof ehr densyik ot erectex 405 Omms is fi teyh eeetrcx 1 retli of atwre loa.s siTh si hte max ncteincraoton atht her dieynsk nac .recodpu Hr(e dieysnk ear ont u“plorwef oh”nueg to eakm ehr eiurn nay oerm tnoanctrcede tanh a.h)tt

Tshi aonmw is aols oisgln ohrnaet tleri fo wetra ot csefe, igsnetwa nda ieastipnr.or shiT is het ise“innebsl wtrae ls.”os tTha smean if she inlgos 1 erlit fo twera to e,wtas opesaiinrrt and efsec pre ayd splu 1 rtlei of raetw to iuren sabce(ue seh eedsn to evislods reh oseutl in ,!snhegom)it rfo rhe dbolo to ayts hte eams ,yallosmtoi seh umst crleaep het rewta she olts tush ,tsmu at un,immmi dnrik 2 eislrt fo treaw epr yd.a

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jean_young2019  gtaer a!oilnxanpTktaehn u!yo +
unknown001  hsti si way sriaee dan belpr.seomnechi ;it p edar hfasl ryseogav si,tfr nad neth hsbur huothgr csl.neoputa +

 +23  upvote downvote
submitted by cantaloupe5(87)
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eSs’h naiitkgn 504 mOms rpe ady os esh sdene to eercext 450 Osmm rpe day to atnnimai rui.qiilmbeu ouY ncta’ tjus eeretxc mmsO’s by vtmhlseese -- ythe ahve ot eb disvsdeol ni smeo auontm of eaw.rt

tL’es yas oyu etexcer 405 mOsm iwth 005 mL of warte -- that sname yoru yndikes rae rcntteoacginn riune t:o

045 Omsm ÷ 050 mL = 090 Omm/sL

utB eht mmxiamu htis lasdy’ kyiesdn acn erannetccto uerin ot is 450 /,mmsLO so hse ahs ot ceeexrt ermo rtawe to get ti thta ieudlt. ahTt nmouat of eawtr is 1 L, uecaebs 540 sOm/m1 L = 504 smm./OL

woN sehert’ itonhgn tppisogn hre mrfo itgnecxer eht 450 Osmms ni an enve ermo ediutl eniru -- fro pmeelxa if esh drkna na exrta L of twrae one yad, hte dkyneis lucdo egt idr fo ttha axert L itwh het smea nmtuao of 504 mmsO yb tlginiud hte urnie to 450 Omms ÷ 2 L = 522 Lmm/Os. tBu the iueqsnot saks orf hte umiimmn naoumt of arwte -- ihhwc is 1 L yb the dsnykei +( 1 L mrfo hte eroht ftsuf rfo a aottl fo 2 L.)

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shieldmaiden  hkTan oGd yuo lnieepaxd ewhre ttah treli aemc fmro ceesbua easlhrvgyoF stuj koot it otu a micag tah nad I saw poclleetym sotl +
skonys  oluWd eb tares be dceinuld ni the ilnessbenI aeWtr sl?so +3
skonys  y*m (.: +
ankigravity  ,So as etnaohr elex,pam fi esh koot ni 900 mdsmay/loO of usoe,tl hse ulodw deen to ntiuaer 2 L ot racle ttha + 1 L rfom eth ehotr utfsf ofr a tlaot of 3 ?L +

 +15  upvote downvote
submitted by burningmoon(18)
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1(r)atWe 1Kg ta=we1Lr a4 tmwsmkeg50/rO =mL/rw4t50Oasme wrtMeani 2OH nedede to veodslsi 054 ltsueo by iednyk is L1 r2e)ettraWaw( Oehtr ecfes( et TL.ola1t :=la) )1ewt+r(a aL22t=wre)(

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ali_hassan  ihst is wtah i ededne +

 +10  upvote downvote
submitted by yotsubato(1208)
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hTsi ostnuieq is ipt.sud reWat anktie rof a yhaelth aviiddnlui is 0.2 L a d.ay

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by madeforupvoting2(16)
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oT ntainmia aaslpm mllitaysoo t;&g- eNde to cltayex rlpacee lla the isufdl olst in teh yad

ehS atcnon rnttnaceceo inrue voabe 045 mmkOgs/ , os the inmmuim oumatn of artew drreieuq ot be cetrdeex by kedniys si 1 ot( ecretex eth 540 smmO seh aaulccusetm rep ad).y ehT mumimni etocnerix wreat ruiqeder is esnelrscyai at mxa nciter;noatnoc if uoy wree to ysa udecrpo lrdtiue niu,er sya 5,2k/gm2sOm isht olwud ereiqru 2 L fo rt.awe The oeuniqts atwsn eht mumnmii ilsobesp aretw eul,mov os ew asesmu esh’s ogcrnneianttc to hte .amx

1 L ssloes ofrm kynied + 090 mL isbilsenen + 001 mL ni wesat adn efces = 2L ssolse ;t&-g ened ot gstine 2 L fo tewar ot .ecaerlp

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jesusisking  oS phulfle, ktnha oyu! +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by misrao(5)
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Can oomsene xlineap eth tcoronirela ebnewet 450 dsaOmy/mol nda dnniege ot xecerte 1 L fo trea?w shTkan

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trazobone  Tish is ym noesdc time iodng siht oustqeni YT .CIOVD Teh onfitndiie of na msO is het nermub fo oosemls of eultso rpe leirt of snv.tole eTh tmse ltles you hte sgtehih seh anc eaontctcren reh eunir is 450 /smkoOgml ,O2H nad she teksa ni 540 lma.sO/mdoy eSh osal soels 1000 mL rofm etasw, sece,f tc..e The Osmlmo iaarsvleb are TON eredatl ot hte 0010 .Lm It si going to atke 1 rtile to encnoectrta htta 540 mlOmso ein,ru dan hse also sleos a searptea laeeudntr 1 .etril eeghrto,T eht imnimum mutnoa of O2H edened si gnogi ot be 2 +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by trazobone(97)
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hiTs si my descon imet gdino htis oeistuqn TY O.DVCI The nifdeiiotn of an mOs si eht meburn of moosles of ouelst rpe ertli of .lentvos Teh setm sllet oyu the etshhgi seh cna tcoenacentr reh uerin si 405 lOmm/oksg 2H,O adn she estka in 045 lmo.mO/aysd She lsao solse 0100 mL rmfo awe,st f,esce .tce. eTh Omlsmo aralvbsie aer TNO edratle to het 0010 mL. It si ggoin to tkae 1 tlrei to nneoatecctr ttah 540 lmOosm ien,ur dan hse slao slose a tpsaerea deruateln 1 rteoehg,T teh niimmum nmuota fo 2HO deened si ggion to be 2 lit.esr

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