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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 4/Question#23 (reveal difficulty score)
An investigator is studying the regulation of ...
Intravenous infusion of 0.9% saline for 5 minutes 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: immuno Saline Lymphatic

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 +23  upvote downvote
submitted by andro(269)
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isFrt nPtio : phmLy orfsm at the iCallaryp velel fo blodo eessvls ( sa this si hewer liufd omevs in nda tou of sevessl lango whit latesbtemoi adn nutetnris ) .

heT otcinfnu of mhypl is ot ruetrn xeecss sotpiner dna rilstniattie ulidf bcak to teh drsbtemaloo ( cllRae pmLyh ntyvaeluel rsaidn oint hte lerag nve)is

enSodc iPont : eW yma naercesi plmhy irhete by niiacgsern 1. hte tare at hihcw ew rofm ti . 2. erncaigsDe eth tare of genrdaai ( e.i - tuorictbsgn hyplm eslesvs )

oT asieenrc hlmpy oaomrtnfi we veah to riseecna het eatr ta wichh fduil eisrtfl tou of teh ciparaellsi . iTsh anc eb onde yb iagenltr ltsSgnari cserfo in eht llcyriaap

  • csanegIrni cahyisodttr rpsreesu
  • Dgcnaseier Oniccot rsuseper

oiGgn hohrtug teh itsonop
pitonO A : nneEithdlo lwil useca ioicrctsatonsnvo of lnmaPuyor rerayt .ihTs is ecrlaiyapprl amnegni we iwll veha ssle bo/dol luifd tnegtgi to eth scaeirialpl - rcaddeees sdoiyhrctta esueprsr nda sereadcde myphl nortfimao
nOpoit B : totiConsnirc fo pynouraml rartye iagan
op inOt C and D : leda ot hte scolghiopiy rspneose fo pixhyco avcncoinrostsiot
pito nO E : sdenrcIea itooccn rperusse adrsesece eht muotan fo lfidu igmovn out fo paiierlscal

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lovebug  wno I !!rtes~ddunan~ HTX ): +2
limberry  I leevbie oyu nmea pn"iOot F: dercanIse ocointc rsuspere deesraesc teh onmuta fo dflui ngvoim out fo lrai"aispelc atdesin of toOnpi ,E itg?hr +3
weirdmed51  esY . numAibl aak c.dilloo +

 +18  upvote downvote
submitted by hayayah(1212)
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Lpymh fowl etra si ullsuya .wol tI si lnceiundef rliarypim by het trae fo lhpym irtamnoof. For xepelm,a if odlbo lilacrypa reesprus is ereandics by alirerta nstoldoivaia ro osuevn ocstnnoitci,r eth ofwl rate of hmlyp nsecia.res Asl,o het lfow eart si ftdefeca by ieorscnmspo of malpcthyis yb tntocroinac fo eingoinrbgh lcteuumrasu and by ieevantg ohaictnrtcair seperusr i).bahr(gten

tsiarItietln eruperss o(s seeursrp ni teh ECF, whihc loduw sneriace if ngvie VI i)snael nad hpylm wlof ear toipsvleyi er.etdla A mslla nriseeac in itlrseaititn uovelm rgtlyea aeencsirs tsi eepsru,sr ioopmnrtg lpmhy fwol ttha cast to rtrseeo the ileritsantit muovle ot lm.naro

mroe no htsi icp:to KB/5:b..isNkpohig/nsn8owlb4mn././43whvc/towt

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linwanrun1357  Do nto dnutsdaenr teh baghetnri heocic( C and erbaDh)t ni nda uto aer defnt?rfei +
khanhluong  I no'td nokw fi t'si croetrc ro tno btu how I peahrcapod C mp&;a D asw atth yhet tobh asecu tosnciornavisotc in teh eorilsrtae sa(eeucb siht is the ulgn ehwre iyxahop scueas an)rv,tctoonssicoi cihwh esdsearec yhtrtcaoisd sspreuer orhhtgu eht aerlaliscpi and yluevnatel reseedcas hylpm o.fwl Mybea I mpleoctyle otg tsih ieoutnqs htgri for ornwg ns,aero tbu I ftel ttha it works ihtw lla fo eht .eassrwn roF F) I saw igiknnht htat ti wduol asuec ardsneice alrlpiyac ccnioto eruspers icwhh usscea omre idflu ot go noti eth pailcrlya tnah oint hte lyphm sv..s.slee e'rHse a upt:rcei .tuiseymlgah1ea1mpswoe-L/9cigh2/w/0colpp.nfmwcmoht.yntdp//:/t/atwpdblo0 +5

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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trotococnnsVisia rionr(wagn fo a )betu liwl esuca eth wfol eatr to esacerin ohrtuhg htta ,uteb ihwch seasdecre /otilardaawurd urs.prese hTe ftsare a uldfi msevo guhtroh a eb,tu eht ssel a”“duowtr eofrc ti e.trsxe s(ihT si wnkno sa eht Vuernit ffetec.)

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hungrybox  not eiseng who sith is eerltavn +9
sympathetikey  s'He oghwisn ohw A m&a;p B aer inrcrctoe ngxr@hbouy +7
nerdstewiegriffin  tawh a moonr yoh@rnxbgu is !! +2
leaf_house  CTAM cfbsskhaal no sthi eagim +1

I think the more correct explanation is that lymph mostly is hyrdostatically pressed out of the thinner walled small arterioles, capillaries, venules

If you vasoconstricted the pulmonary arteriole, youd get hydrostatic backup but not into the smaller arteries, capillaries, veinules but actually less flow (due to constriction) and less lymph formation.

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by d_holles(218)
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0%2 aibunml is cEPoRinYHt nad cesaus gdrawin of udifl tuo fo het etintisumtr adn niot teh .dbloo

i"mlubAn Hn()mua %20 is nidicdeta ni het enycmerge etmrnetat of pohaeylivom hiwt or tuiowht kh.ocs Ist feftvceesiens in evgseirrn meavohlpyio pdnedse ryegall puon sti ibltyia ot draw ntearitltsii fdlui inot eht tniuoar.ccil It is otms ecevtffie in espiantt owh rea wlel ytraded.h eWnh dbloo olvmeu feitcdi is het lsteur of r,ergemohha ocptlmbeia red lodbo lcsel ro elwoh oobdl hlduso eb amedrsineitd as uikqlyc as peoi"b.sls


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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by assoplasty(108)
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rtosocnsoiVancti eesarescd doolb olwf adn utsh ecessrade titacosrdyh r.seepsru emesS ucntreo vteintuii but I hda ot kloo isth up tfrea I got it ro,gwn .oto

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by bgreen27(6)
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Cna nomsoee hpel a rrthebo tu?o yM ninhgtki asw htat aserdince fliud ni het iasrtinitetl dsale ot creedians hyplm, os I htguhot ehty ewer nigkolo orf tigmsehon ot stmelauis ihgh iaelutdt lypmrnauo eadem or tarealri lpoymuanr TN,H chhiw I ma typetr ures obth dela to olpuanmyr e.aemd rheeW did I og r?gnwo

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ali_hassan  siht igmht be uipdst tbu i tog ti rihtg ithw isth aora iersicnaeenl:t "lmrano" dilfu %0(.9 aniles) in dbyo = ecinaser mlhyp wlo.f eblltysoua on camldie tnoccpe ot i,t usjt lcoig llo +

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