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 +13  upvote downvote
submitted by calcium196(12)
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itiu-eqdiaiedmtbUn tospesrioly is tno riyrelbsve efctefda yb linsiu.n heT tquesoin skas rfo bvrsieelre syaw thta uislnni ftcaefs ,it nda tobiniauqtiuin wdulo aeld to riaeodtngda via toespasr,e iwchh is not eivelebsrr. emy/ruasNcicpoalclt hgtiunsn amkes senes eausebc XOOF is a csrpitnnraoti af,crot os ti nacโ€™t do its boj if it si ni het mtylpsaoc!

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meningitis  Tkhan oyu ofr oury pnaaineolt!x n eO :iqesotun Hwo uobta het insere tshor?pypolhonai sI ti resdawen by erup nriomatozemi atth the XOOF TF is nieesr horsdlopt,yehpa or si it a lnareeg tacf ttah lla 'sFT era hoer-esinriennet oldopry?teahsph +
tsl19  Im' otn rseu, tub ti amy eb sa smlpei as :thsi -iinqduiituebamted rpeyssooilt si ieeri,selvrrb ubt bhot C/N nluthsgti nda tsnoaorhypoplih era nylaerleg rlirebvsee spr.oesecs +
didelphus  I lsao gesedsu atht FXOO sumt be a tpar fo teh I3KP ,waphaty esnci isnlinu gteluaesr bmoamseilt ghuroth IP3K dna eht eontuiqs tmes ilcsieaclpyf ostnmine t.tha oPhhaosiotlnyrp is a rmjao prta of htta typawah, so enev yidntercil nolsothayophirp douwl urteelga O.OFX guraFtstnri qtusoni.e +21
niboonsh  sy,e OXOF is ftedefca nsreadwotm fo teh ottnaiavic of K3PI. Thsi is a lryeal ogod oeivd atht laxsiepn hte olehw ccdsaea estN=dct.4yaw?t.huvww3cb/oo9ts:w/m-u/gwLpeh +2
alexb  ccnodArig to diipiaekw (/.t1/trwinapdOiipFXhi.:ig/we/Okeoks) hopipoarlyhnsto of FOXO1 si eeerivbsrir.l Tsih is ernfrreig ot yohtopnlroapsih of neisre eiusreds on OFXO yb kAt, hhciw orcusc ni oenesspr ot nisuli.n tuB teh ENMB senarw sssutgge its' .erbelsiver sa'hWt ?pu +2
almondbreeze  luocd iiwk eb grnow on oyhophnotpsrila geibn ?bvrisrierele gadnoricc to sthi ctialr,e ti si a erseivlreb ps:esroc euitorlnga of OxFo atirnpnrctsio trsoacf by bleierserv plstnyhhroaopio and naceyioatlt (t#n/i0rt.c6sc11/mscowc8eS8nle7/0wi0037e:ic4//ii0e/dssprch.0w11peia5t0te9co)s me kwii foni, vweeh,ro is lfphuel : In tis syueo-pdrpnalhtho tsa,te 1XFOO si doziclael ot hte ,nsueclu wheer ti isnbd to het ninsilu prnoeses useeencq olecdat ni eth epmrotro rof lucsgeo ots6hpaeashp- nad ecsnaisre its etar fo 1OXO,F htgrohu nsiraigcen ctortnsnirpai of hugepsoostp-,-lhaecsa6 dcliynrtie reiaesscn teh reat fo aitpceh soclgeu .icun1t[rdpo]o9 ,ervHeow whne XF1OO si ehhspoodayrptl yb tkA no hr,4T2- S6-re52, nad 9S-re13, it is lecexudd fmro eht scnu,uel ehwer ti si hnet eutuqnitiadib nad dgedeard. Teh inahlhpooyrptos of OF1OX yb tkA usnqeltubyes dersescea hte phitcea useoglc tonopridcu ohthrug a eaeecsdr ni piiscatnronrt fo csgeolu pt-oash6aphse. +
leaf_house  tI eemss liek the nohhosaypropilt ofrm tkA ledsa to erdstto,incu but mbaey hte iopsaunmts is that tath riaohonspplhoyt etsp eucigld(xn evyer rohet tsep of soi-uruonqtomteipebi hatpyaw) si be,esvrlrei wrehe rtposoelsiy si anlf.i nh nsbo@oi vdeoi is odgo tbu oedsn't iplts this .one +

 +11  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—imgdoc(183)
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hsiT qtneisou is nskaig about eth inluisn preorect nstyireo inasek yhp.tawa oS etak ti morf ,tereh

  1. The lrsanhpotioyohp of eth IRS attsecvia a sgilan tiacdtusrnno cdaecsa ttah aedsl to het icnatvaiot fo oterh akesisn sa wlel sa orrtanpsniict asrfoct htta eaimted het narlrtiulleca etscffe of nsl.iiun /uNlcoretCaimsalycp ttiuhgnls - yes ()errsbeelvi

  2. n/henrTSnorieiee esasnki rea osal onnkw ot ecreud hte cytaiivt of - yse rl(e)rvibees

  3. ubniiUtqi - ideamted ostpesrylio - on (ton rsv,lree)ibe and osla lsiuinn iloycabaelmlt siseancre rtioenp sieyhstsn os ti sdot'ne cmtah waht nliiusn osde .ayaswyn

cecrrto me if 'mI ngwro.

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usmle11a  i tnkhi eyour crtocer ecsau iiuibqtun aeddmtie iolsoperty is na relseierbirv .etsp +1

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hello(429)
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ehT Q mset setats OXFO si a atiitrnrocspn otfacr taht nepdsors ot slunnii anignlgsi by lntaregi het cprasnorittin of ecalotbmi sngee &--;tg ete,rerhof OOFX si a ntrasriictopn aoctrf vdolivne in obemalm.tis sTih hdosul aekm nsese bueasec -rorlitescnupine tocaintiva ash a roel in riagegunlt lmmitabeos.

iTsh Q asks btoau srreelevib wsay htta uisnnli treaugse XOFO intnrstarcop fotarc ty.vactii

Ueamiqdinuiidettb- itypolrseso si irbevsrieelr. imitenalE lla sciecho pexcet for B, ,D dan H.

Ionletnrsp-eurisc iunocftn rughtho PK3I inas.lggni PIK3 gsilngina ovinselv roonahshoipylpt fo eeisnr ;t-g-& nieers nrotiohhopsypla is a rlerebvise cr.poses Eiiatlnem H. Y:IF opnimirn/oeta ciad lsthrhoaonpipyo si asaywl reibrveles.

uoY ear tefl hwti sihocce B nda D.

OXFO is a crnptsniroati tacrof ;-gt-& innrcirtostpa crfsato meitdea ngee taycitvi yb nstglhuit nebweet eth lstypmcoa and sucunle. gtaRlnuegi teh coioatnl fo OOFX catnsornpitri rtaocf .e.(i pyoatclsm .vs lu)snecu wlil rehrfteoe ylsrrvebei aetomlud de-FiaeOmXtdO mlaboicte gene taytc.vii

hisT svelea you hwit hte rrcoetc wns:are hcieoC .B

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adong  A etbetr wya ot hktni taoub it si nisniul ctas rhguoth MKAP hcwhi is a en/etisonreenihr anksie +1
amy  I erpiettdtane mrcNlatseypuo/lciCa tgtilhuns wolud eb hte suretl of enreis aylrhipsopoho,nt os the bviresrele oaitdionimcf is lony no nrisee phporhs,tlnyaoio wcihh leda to npu/lcmarscyoatleic ils,nghutt ubt the lhgntsuti tilsef is nto drenu Ifom.ioaid ctni ogt ti .gnrwo +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—usmleuser007(464)
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rneeiS lioohahrponyspt will cueerd nlssini'u ctsefaf. tI stca on teh rytiones a.insek

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