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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#12 (reveal difficulty score)
A 55-year-old man with hypertension comes to ...
Left renal artery atherosclerosis 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by pg32(218)
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oMNdBwU/lrE veol ot sett enalr rartey ssetnsio in eth gsintte fo tepryehevisn cymeeygnc.uere/ngr Jsut absucee sith ash eneb neod so amny ,metsi you cna laisclyba gte het rgith renswa fmro the ftsri hfla of hte suenitoq. Pt ihwt edn noarg isuess hhea,d(ace )oufniscon adn earlly ihhg BP (I oknw ti 'snti 121/,800 btu ti si yelrla .gih)h So htis yug lisyablac ahs vhetynpeesir e.eermgnyc 'mI dyraeal kntgniih s'it narle earrty toneisss. etNx sen?nctee A uibrt evro the flet d.naombe gioB.n lnaeR eayrtr tnoies,ss tmos tnoef acsued by eleohracrtssiso in oldre mne sa( opaedcrm ot lauoubrcrfmis assdypali ni geronuy onm.)we

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lovebug  eH si ehvya kesmro ,but oN twigeh l,oss No axicahce >-; os nac eb OR/ tLef elarn llce acornac.mi si it tgi?hr +
lovebug  ncoleRrusvaa ds. 9A210F, pg 52.9 +
misrao  and no uremahtia os /or RCC +
realnorthomfs  2,00AF2 gp 064 +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by necantoramericanus(3)
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Im ont llyaer rseu utb I ihnkt hte optin is that wthi the taprpiocl doldreianiuc csna ehter si a yadle in fncnouit fo hte .eknidy hWat htey tweand su ot ebeerrmm rhee is ttah wenh ouy egiv a " A ilpr" ot a npiteta ithw enlaR taeyrr hcirsseasetorlo het larne incuontf ewosnrs ecesuba rteeh si instcnotroic fo hte efertenf oreateirl

AF 8021 - 756

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kevin  fetrneef tlsdeai whit an C-AEI deu to slso fo nnsngiaeito edmdaiet asrtonivsonoctci +
skonys  hisT is na adies tbu yeht velo ngeistt laRen ryAert tsnSeosi ni the noxettc of ACE obhnIitris seacbue 'its a odog ylhsoyiogp in-ei.t rFst,i it hpsel ot ownk htat gneiAostnni Is'I enitre rleo in teh /etnhideky nosear it ,eeodlvv si ot atiiamnn RFG ni eht gisentt fo olw kndeyi sipoenruf hvlmiecoyop( o)skc.h tI iarnyferpeetll vactrostscsnoi teh eff iter,lreao esanncgiri het srrpeeus tujs tniarroe ot teh oiucon,lsc tush goifcnr iattfelr toni wabnosm ualscep eiepsdt rheet egnib lsse odlbo movleu uinrnng ugotrhh hte ayerr.t nI raBilteal lnRea rAreyt Ssotens,i iamtnecnaen fo hte RFG si teloycepml telanri on ngAII rvoonctsctsiiano of teh neeftefr .areteiorl fI ouy igev neoesom na CAE hboiiir,tn uyo esedecar InIAg dan vlsaiateod the rftfneee roler.aeit Teh cfero namiigtnina the FGR is neog, egntairptiicp aer-lrepn i.azomtae hat'sT hyw eopepl tiwh stduspece nleRa SA eden ot hvea teirh KC eordmotni clyeols ebaseuc ti illw aicnrsee aretf tsiiigmntrdaan nda AEC tohiIirnb. +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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sutJ lerizade atth rlena lelc mircancoa i'tns hte occerrt raensw cb/ it idnedav hte vuonse ucnlaotrcii nda nto teh aae.ritrl BP yma ton eb dcfeefta as .hcum fi CCR weer eth wernsa enht hnet rhete uolwd vaeh eben aeedm rspteen da/onr laren .HNT

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sympathetikey  ,slAo utjs nikihgtn uot dl,ou in eht eacs fo RC,C it's eth ynkied setsui ast'th lpsdaitsyc p&m;a vn,gmio os alcylcihetn teh anlre raerty selitf in'ts ltspay,iscd ?rtghi +
paperbackwriter  u@sus0r07emle ryve ogdo nptio gdrangeir the vneuso vs ailrreta tilruancoic atth I ectnegled to !nsdorice +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by rainlad(33)
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How do we aexnpil teh rbtui ni hits ces?a osAl wyh 'tisn it eltf tryaer s?myurena htaT sseme leki ti uoldw ebettr paxieln hte ritub

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gdupgrant  hTe iubrt is abacsylli sjut leubrtunt fwlo, whcih is tmso ncmymloo acsude yb trreay agn.wnrrio I wsa tsuj eidganr /l.ict0iilmc3oaee4:acceesddn-apiemn/ctr5//tep.hmc16lsi on learn eytarr naesmryu and ti kosol iekl tmso fo eth ninrepseoyht is atlycula reteald to a erp rmseyuna ,stesnios os i tknih stsnsioe si the ebre""tt n,sarew icnse hte tp ahs elki yever sirk tacfro ofr istessn. Too eb stohne I dha ont ever eyrall hthogut auobt ARA rfo this scea eeabcsu ibrtu ovre AR has eebn ddillre tino my eahd sa nreal yrreat isonsst,e but i rcappeetai gesien how hist si a ureps ablreeaosn ewansr - tsju het nissesto si em"or iekl"yl +2

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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orF CCR: s(A rpe ODRW)UL

yermmticS eiabalrtl erlow emietrxyt gttipni eamde dna oousttru mnoabalid viesn aer nocnirgenc for rnfareiino  vnea avca V)IC( utcibrsoo,nt ih,chw in hte ngittes of a t-defdiles fklan ma,ss saegsstelurn g ecll amRCCno) accr(i twhi oeisnenxt inot the VC .I RCC atsnccuo rof 0t&;g%9 fo lal ianelanmcgsi rgiisna ni eht deknyi and si iylghh tosadcieas hiwt .ig nsokm sat ePtni ihwt CCR alcliylacss aevh a drati of kflna a,inp lapapble ,sams dan iathau,mre guhhtoal nyma aermni apomsctyatim ntilu hte aideses is daedRC.v ancC si a lhihyg ausvrlac uotmr tahtnivaeds  teh neral iienvn  pu to 2%5 fo . scase VCI rcinuootstb anc uorcc edu ot uamtinlirnal esxetnnoi nda orushbmt irnfoma,to erarht ntah smsa tcffee omrf teh omutr esfti .l

Teh ttrcbunoosi cna ucrco ulyacet ro ylagarldu oerv t .iem In icnohrc acs,se caeltoallr nevuos iatnrciolcu yam odvelep bedsa no the iste fo eht oiur. nbttocs onnitmrPe nmaaiodlb oela awlrtalcll sne,vi as ni sthi inapt,te gsgetsu stotbnircou fo the uppre snteemg fo eht IC.V

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nor16  ighh lobdo rree,ussp .ie. iestnoenHy,rp skir taosrfc for thlea,c.osr iturb !!! rove ftel enmb,ado scayednor Hptrn.nyeeios yhte lyswaa atnw eth lrena areyrt nsisoest el(ik vFW ni a.goc .orsi.r.esdd) +

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submitted by jackie_chan(34)
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I apdapoerhc isth nuitoqes becsaeu man iwth hrtare mrteexe TNH and aniodlbma tburi si eqtiu ontef lrnae itossesn

oLAs clotirpap enalr adorcieidlnu n'acss unficotn is ytalrllie ot asesss naler nisoesst oedo(lk it pu, btu i did nto nkow ahtt when i esndwe)ar

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