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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#12 (reveal difficulty score)
A 55-year-old man with hypertension comes to ...
Left renal artery atherosclerosis 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by pg32(218)
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rlBdUwNE/Mo levo to tets narle tryrea inoetsss in the ttsgeni fo pnsteheveyir yr.uegnmccryeeneg/ Jtus ebecsua shit ahs enbe oned so ynam time,s ouy anc lcalsiaby gte hte tighr rawsen mrfo teh fistr hfal fo teh su.ionqte tP wtih edn ongar iussse d,cahehae( nconsuiof) nda elraly hhig PB I( kown ti nis't 210,/180 ubt it is yeallr .hi)hg oS hits yug yibalclsa has tiseerhvynpe er.nygemce I'm ayledra ignhintk 'its narel ryaert ssoie.tns texN neecse?tn A irubt erov teh ftle bdeo.mna .ogiBn aRnel tearyr ,tseonsis otms enotf asceud by lsrtoesaehcisro in lrdeo emn as( roedpcma ot asrorlufbmciu paiadylss ni norguye oen.w)m

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lovebug  eH is yhvea kroems ubt, No hiewgt sl,so No hcecaixa g&t;- os nac be /OR eftL rneal lcel anaoricmc. is ti rtgih? +
lovebug  rRunalvseoac ds. 29F,10A gp 29.5 +
misrao  adn on heaiatrum so /or RCC +
realnorthomfs  AF02,02 pg 406 +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by necantoramericanus(3)
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Im not rlaely resu btu I tnkih the tnoip is ahtt tihw hte riclpoatp inocledridua asnc eerht si a ayedl ni oitunnfc fo het ky.dnei hWat yhet teadwn su to rebremme ehre is thta nhwe uoy give a " A rlpi" to a ntptiae hwti Rlane aertyr soleehsasircort eth lrena ufntiocn sornsew caeubes erteh si osotcriintcn fo eth nrfefeet literaeor

FA 0218 - 576

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kevin  ffrneete lsdiaet tiwh na AIC-E deu ot lsos fo eignasiotnn mdeieadt crnicttoinossavo +
skonys  hTis is na sedia but teyh lveo isntegt nelRa rtryAe seioSsnt in hte otcntxe fo ACE ioIrntishb esucbae ts'i a good hspgyyoloi .neiti- i,rFst ti hleps ot wnko ttha gntneiioAns I'Is erient rleo ni het y/kdntieeh sraone it leo,vvde is to iamannti FRG ni teh istnteg fo wol nikyde efsnpurio iopovmyc(elh coh)s.k tI pneiyrealetlfr tctoacsisosnvr eht ffe etraore,il rinnagiecs the espeursr ujst aornrite ot eth cicoln,osu huts rfnicgo elftatri niot bnsaowm aspecul pedseti eetrh begni lsse olobd meoulv ingnnur urgothh the .aerytr nI leaarBlit elnRa terAry Sosnis,et nmnaeetnaci fo eht GFR is pclemlteyo aielnrt on IngIA onsoicnstvactroi fo teh erenteff .eiarrotle fI uoy iveg omesnoe na CEA ,ohiribnit ouy srdeeeca ngAII dna sovletaadi the eetffnre i.aeroetlr eTh erfoc namininitga teh RFG si gn,oe natipitiepgcr lnap-erre izoa.maet asTt'h hwy leoppe twhi dspeteusc anleR AS dnee to ahev htrei KC tmdnoiroe ylsoecl eseacub it liwl icesarne eraft gtiimtnasdiran dan ECA hontib.riI +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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utsJ ereaizld that anelr llec coamincra n'sti het retrcco eawsnr /bc ti dedvnai het nvueos tlcnoriciua dan ton eth lrt.raeai BP yma not be ceadfeft sa .much fi RCC eewr het naesrw hnte ehtn rhete lwuod vhae eebn medae rtpeesn narod/ arlne HTN.

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sympathetikey  As,lo stju igkthinn otu l,udo ni hte cesa of CRC, s'it teh eyidnk uetsis asth't pslcdyaist a;&mp gionm,v so tclhaeiycnl eth lanre rearyt iteslf 'nits ,datcpiyssl gh?tir +
paperbackwriter  @s07eu0srmlue vyre ogdo pnoti grnegrida the nuosev vs lratirea lcurtonciai ahtt I gdeentcel to eodn!csri +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by rainlad(33)
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owH do we alxepni het urbit in tish ac?se oAls ywh isn't ti lfet treyar ny?armeus Thta semes ikel ti dwlou eetbtr ilnpaex teh urtib

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gdupgrant  ehT urtib si bllcaisya jtsu trluenbtu wol,f ihwhc si stom molcmoyn udaesc by rytrea woga.rrnin I asw utsj eragind sencr.cip/d1:/teo6eelccl30/5a4act/sliiae.mni-dpemcimht on arnle ytaerr ymauesrn and it klsoo ikel tosm of the nipeoyhnrste si ltayulac eatdler ot a epr snyeuarm sisnst,eo so i nthik sesitnos si eht "te"bter renswa, einsc hte tp sah eikl evrye rksi rcoaft rof is.enoT stso be soehnt I dah ton eerv ylaerl tguhhto aubto ARA for iths asce acueesb turbi eorv AR hsa eebn dirdell onit my adhe sa lnrae ryeart s,osinets utb i aiceareptp ingees how this si a prues enaoeaslrb wseanr - ujst het estinsos is m"reo ylleki" +2

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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oFr CRC: A(s rpe RUDOLW)

mriemScty ilaertabl eowlr ttmxeyrie gnipitt deaem and orousutt ailonmadb snvei era crncnnioeg fro einarinor f nvea avac I()VC totuiobcsn,r ,hihwc in the tneistg of a eefdldi-st aklnf sm,as lnsaus tgeesrg lcel C cm()iraanCRoc wiht eesnnxtio toin eth IV. C CCR ctscaoun for gt90&%; of all isienlgacamn asgniir in eht ideynk adn is hglyhi oiatedsasc wtih og.nmis k iatPsnte ithw CCR sllcisacayl vhae a adtir fo fnkla ipna, plapelba ams,s adn aerih,tuma gtoahhul mnay inmera tscpyamtmaoi niult hte sidaees si a avCdRnCec.d is a ylghih cavluasr orumt vtaehia tsnd the naelr n neivi pu ot 2%5 fo ecss .a IVC ustboircton can ourcc due to marninutilal xentienos and rsumbtho mtoinroa,f trerha anth amss efctfe omfr the urtom .litsfe 

ehT btuonisrtoc cna ocrcu eyluatc ro lglardauy oevr tm. ie nI rhoccin sace,s laacltoler unoves icoltcrianu yam lopveed bedsa on eht etis of hte btou.oirc tsn mntiePorn aobnldaim raoclwle laaltl ins,ev sa in siht ie,ntpta stegsug roicntbouts of eth urppe tgnmees of eht CIV.

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nor16  ghhi bodol ers,puesr i..e Hty,nspneoeir ksir acrotsf fro hsatocr,.el birut !!! oevr fetl ba,demon cysarndeo .art p.rioetneHsyn ythe ywalsa nwat eth lanre rerayt isnsoste (liek FvW ni g.coa .e.)sodirdrs. +

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submitted by jackie_chan(34)
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I rceaahppod tihs quisetno ubsceae mna itwh retrha eeetmxr HNT nda anoldbami iutbr is tiuqe otfne lnrea issseotn

LAso laptricop elrna uanddciileor c'sasn oitnfnuc si lirlleyta ot ssasse arlen sesitsno (doeokl ti ,pu tub i idd ton know htat wnhe i eenrdwas)

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