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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#12 (reveal difficulty score)
A 55-year-old man with hypertension comes to ...
Left renal artery atherosclerosis 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by pg32(218)
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wMdo/lENBrU eolv to ttse arlne rayret teisssno in eth eigttns fo seirvepteynh nyee/.mgeerycuncgr Jtsu cabsuee htsi hsa nebe eond so nmay ts,eim yuo nca cbasllyai egt eth gitrh reswna ormf eth frtsi fhla fo het itu.nesqo Pt itwh end ongra sisseu (,aacehhde cunofio)ns dna rllaye hgih PB (I nowk ti snit' 01/1,208 utb ti is lraely ghi.h) oS ihts uyg cabiyslal ahs nsepeyvhtrie emnegerc.y I'm yeladar nnigitkh sti' ranel yarter nsesis.ot xNte sen?entce A ubrti roev het left nembo.da o.ingB alnRe rytrea stenos,is tsmo nteof eucdas by esslrsateroohic in deolr nem as( repmdcoa to socurbiarumfl saasydilp in oengyur woen.m)

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lovebug  He is vheya rmoesk bu,t No itgewh sols, No exccaiha -;&tg os nac be R/O fLet arnle elcl .mranccaio si it ?ghtri +
lovebug  casuRlvraoen s.d 1A,F209 gp 59.2 +
misrao  adn on areithuma so /or CRC +
realnorthomfs  F2,020A pg 640 +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by necantoramericanus(3)
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Im otn yealrl user but I hnitk the iptno si ahtt htwi hte picatrolp ecoldnduiria nsca ehert si a ealdy in nciotfnu fo the .yindke hWta hety ndtewa su to rreemebm eerh si ttah wnhe yuo gvei a " A lirp" ot a aittpne with nlaeR ryeatr rioscaotshserle eth nlaer nicotnuf enworss esbacue erhet is orctictsnoin fo het ffeertne eorlterai

FA 0821 - 576

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kevin  refftene edaltsi iwth an IACE- deu ot sols fo neisnnotgai eetdidma sionscnivctatoro +
skonys  Thsi si an disae ubt htye lvoe nigtste eRnal rAtyer inssSeot in het xcoentt of EAC ortiInhsbi abecesu 'its a gdoo loygopyish -nii.te Fstr,i it eslph ot oknw atth Annigenisto I'sI reniet olre ni eth ek/dihyten noreas ti evolved, si to amnatnii FRG in the gtneits of owl ikndye osenirfup ylpchomoeiv( o)hksc. tI fyrleienretapl atnctossrocvis het eff rlaeo,rite ciagsrnnie eth spruseer tsju eoirntar ot het ui,cncolso htsu cofgnri lrttaeif into wnbsoma cspelau deitpse erhet eibng esls ooldb uoemvl nnrginu otugrhh eht t.aerry In lrelatiaB nleaR Aertry Sns,toies cnaeanitemn fo het GFR is mecyllotep ertalni on nAIIg cciatnstvnoroois fo teh rnfetefe lroe.aietr fI you vgie noemseo na AEC ,obihritni yuo eerdcesa IngAI and olsaaevdti het ereffnet toerae.ilr eTh cerof aigtnniinma het GRF is one,g pgiaeiptctrin relrpean- .emizoaat sa'Tht why eeplop twih eudsepsct eRnal SA edne ot avhe iterh CK eoromntdi scleyol scauebe it lwli eeacrsin refta inriamtnagisdt nad ACE +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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Jtus ezieadlr htta naler ellc camraocni nts'i teh ceortrc ewsnra c/b it naieddv teh uevson utcicaonril and ton hte e.alrrtai BP yma ont be efcdfeat as hmu.c fi CCR rewe eth ewnars then htne hreet uodwl ehav neeb mdaee eesptrn dr/ona aerln HT.N

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sympathetikey  os,Al utsj ktinhgin tuo olud, in eht case of ,RCC s'ti hte nydkie uestis t'hast ycaldpstsi a∓ vm,nogi so cncyllheita the alenr rtarey lstfie tni's adlyt,piscs hirgt? +
paperbackwriter  rsuml@ue0e7s0 yerv godo piotn drirnggae teh nesuov vs ateairrl criuanltcio ahtt I eecegntdl ot scorni!de +

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submitted by rainlad(33)
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How od ew aipelnx teh rutib in shit ec?as olsA ywh i'tsn it flte terayr rmye?saun hTta esmes ielk it wuldo tbeetr anixple eth rbuit

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gdupgrant  Teh bruit is lacylibsa tjsu nrelubttu fl,ow chiwh is tsom ynlcommo dcseau by tarery nonrwi.gra I asw stju raeidng iclepm.3pe4r5i6//.t/o:nlsntm1disel/0a-ccceahtcdcameeii on nrlea etyrra nuymsera dna it sokol lkei tmso fo teh yhnpsrnotiee si ualyclta aleedtr to a rpe uansymre nisoses,t so i iknth ssniteso si eht "ettreb" n,aeswr sp.e isnce eth tp hsa ikel reeyv iskr forcta fro eoT.s nistos eb tsohen I hda tno evre learly thtoghu buoat RAA rof thsi acse esaeucb iburt rove RA sha eenb dedlril oint my heda as aelrn treyra sotesnsi, tub i traiepecap sneieg who tihs is a erpsu loearaebsn rsenaw - tusj eht tsessnoi si emr"o lily"ek +2

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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orF C:RC As( erp DRLWUO)

tcrSemmiy ellbtaria owelr tiereyxmt pgttnii emdea and turutoos dnialabom neivs aer ennnccorig orf orreann iif vena cvaa )ICV( cosntriubo,t hi,hcw in hte tstnegi of a fldiede-ts kflan ms,sa nge sgtlauerss clel mrccoiR )aaC(nC wthi nnisexteo inot het IV.C  CRC auccsotn rfo 0&9%t;g of all mgscniinaeal giirsna in hte nkeyid nda is ghlhyi tsisadeaoc itwh . ngiomks s tieaPtn hitw CRC cylllisaacs heva a rdait fo nfkal i,nap baplpael ms,as nad r,athiuema gloauhht ynam rmaein mimoastayptc iuntl teh deassei is RddvacaC n.Ce is a hlighy crlaauvs umrto avnisdtthae  eht naerl nei inv pu ot 25% of ss ICV sotcouitbnr nac uorcc edu to ranumtlniial esxontien and burhsomt toirno,maf tarerh tahn mssa ecftfe rmof het mtruo ietfls. 

Teh ositroncbtu can cucor cetauyl or uyaldgarl voer t.e mi In ochnicr sc,sae eolcaltlar nouevs riucaiclnot yma vopeedl asbed no eth eits fo het stootinurbc.  rnteiPnom bolmdnaia laewta lcllrloa ,nsive as in this ,tiaentp usgtesg ibrsottunco fo the eprup gmneste of the IC.V

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nor16  ihgh ooldb eesrspu,r .e.i rtenHep,yosin skri saftorc fro sh, rbuit !!! evro tlef ,mdoaenb seyarcond rat. snorniee.tyHp thye waalsy tanw hte ernal aytrer tsoensis ki(le FvW in )..ersrsodid. +

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submitted by jackie_chan(34)
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I doecpraahp shti tueinsoq sueaebc amn tihw hrtera etxmeer TNH adn anbmdaoli tibru is qetui foten nrlea snitsseo

sLoA toapilrpc erlan rncoieliudad ns'sca nuifoctn si ltyeirlla to ssaess ernal nossseit lo(odke it ,pu btu i idd otn kwno atht ehnw i adnwesr)e

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