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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#12 (reveal difficulty score)
A 55-year-old man with hypertension comes to ...
Left renal artery atherosclerosis 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by pg32(218)
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odM/lENrBwU veol ot sett rlnea retary tossnsei in teh stgntei fo vsyetphernei m/y.cnrreuyneecgge tuJs ueesbac iths sha nbee doen so anym s,itme ouy anc alyilsbca get the igthr erwsan rmof eht tsrfi lafh of eht usoentq.i tP htwi nde anrgo sieuss h,ehd(ceaa ncfuiso)on dna leyalr hghi BP I( wonk ti st'ni 011,82/0 tbu it si rlealy hg).hi So sith guy icbsyllaa ahs yheeesitnvpr gemnc.yree 'mI ldeaary ihnntgki st'i alner yraret tssoins.e txNe cetse?enn A rtibu vero eth flte .maobned aneRl yrrtea sonists,e toms feton dcaesu by scsaholeestrroi in orlde men sa( oradepmc ot oumcbursiarfl adsspialy ni yorenug omnwe).

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lovebug  He si eyhva omkser tb,u oN ehgitw oss,l No acxchaei t;&-g so cna eb /OR tfLe nrael lelc mc.iaonrac is it hritg? +
lovebug  snRrlaveauco d.s FA12,09 pg 59.2 +
misrao  and no aehtruaim so /or CRC +
realnorthomfs  0022FA, pg 640 +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by necantoramericanus(3)
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mI not llreya rsue ubt I ntkih het potin si htat hwti teh cltorapip eacodilindur ancs rhtee si a ylaed ni uitfcnon of teh die.nky Wtha htey ntdwea su to ermmrbee eher is htat nwhe ouy geiv a " A ri"pl ot a nteitpa thiw Rlane yrrtae heroatlsocesirs teh rlaen onuifcnt nrsoesw ecsabeu eethr si otcrnstinoic of het enfeefrt rreotiela

FA 8201 - 567

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kevin  fentrfee sietlda thiw na EAIC- ude to slso fo sintogeinna midadtee osvrtsintoconiac +
skonys  ihTs is na dseia but they lvoe tgentis Relna yrrtAe Soetniss in eht ctxeotn of ACE rtnihbsoIi bauscee si't a dogo shoopgyliy in-.tei srtiF, it slehp ot wokn ttah ginnotAisen I'Is einret role ni hte y/hktdenie eoanrs ti ,elvodve si ot mninitaa RFG ni het tenitgs of owl kdeiyn urfenpsoi py(oloecihmv k.o)hcs tI epnryeallrftie toirsvcnssctao eht eff iree,tolar engriisacn eth pseserur jtus arenoirt to eth u,ocolnsic usht gfircon itltaerf ntoi smnbawo plescau iedepts eerht nbeig sles blodo ouvelm irgnnun uohhrtg teh tr.yrea nI aartBlile alneR eryrtA tsine,oSs ncmtnaeaien of het GFR si pytlcleeom tnrleai no IgInA nctcoointsoriasv of the ertfefen etarleor.i fI you vgei omnoese an ECA bnh,tioiri oyu daecsree gIIAn adn aavsedtiol het teefnfer rtoarl.eei eTh frceo gmtaniinnia the FRG si ego,n itpircpeating nea-eplrr .toizeaam ht'Tas why oplpee hwti escpustde lenaR AS edne ot hvea irthe KC tooeinmrd cllyseo bueecas it llwi iescaenr earft isrinittmnaagd dan AEC irbnIi.toh +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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Just rledizea tath leanr ecll oacmnaicr itsn' hte cctrero arnesw b/c it dindeva the ouvens lriouniatcc and otn het are.italr BP aym ont be ecdeafft as uhm.c if CRC erwe hte snrawe enht tneh etrhe wolud evha ebne edema ersnpte n/rdao nelra .TNH

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sympathetikey  lo,As stju ninkgtih tuo loud, ni the cesa of CRC, tis' hte ndyiek etusis 'thtsa ildscpsyta &;pma niv,mgo os citeahlnlyc het naler eayrtr sielft n'ist lscaytdisp, tih?gr +
paperbackwriter  @usul00es7mre ervy doog tipon rndregaig hte enusvo vs latiearr iairotclcun that I gtdecnele to crdisn!oe +

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submitted by rainlad(33)
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owH do we ixenlpa eth tiurb ni sthi sace? Aols hwy sti'n it felt rayetr m?esaynur thaT msese kile ti wuldo ettrbe npilexa eht ibrtu

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gdupgrant  hTe tbrui is ycbaialls tjus tertluubn olw,f cihwh is tosm cmomlyno cdesau by ertary nnrwgor.ia I aws jstu rnaeidg 1im.seamn6lc/dh4-3icp0ldmaecrpitc/ic5el:eoestaie/.t/nc on ernla ertayr naseruym and ti ooslk ilek most of the setpryeihonn si alutcyla aelerdt ot a pre nuyresam ssnti,ose so i hkitn sssentoi is eth "tet"ber reans,w sp.e sniec het tp hsa ikle verye kirs afctor rfo ioss.Ttoe sn eb tsnohe I dha not rvee elayrl hothutg tabou AAR fro iths eacs becseau uirbt voer AR ahs enbe ildrdle onit ym head sa lenar rraeyt ,ssinetos ubt i teepracpai gesien owh hits si a urpes obsaarnlee rnswea - tsju hte sseinsot si m"reo ly"lkei +2

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submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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oFr CRC: (As epr WDRU)LO

mSertiycm llaibetar wrelo titeyremx pitgnti dmaee and rotutsou niodlaabm nsiev era nnircenocg rfo inorf eianr evan caav (VCI) ,tiontsboucr ih,hwc in eht ignstte of a dief-dltes knafl mas,s negguesstrsa l llce aCaRCcr(n)oi cm hwti eenxsnoti tnio eth V IC. RCC cnuctosa ofr 0t9%&g; fo all cialmnsangie ngiisra ni het inykde dan is hgilyh seocadsati tihw  ksgi.omn iPnte tas iwth RCC lsscallciya aveh a tiard of fnlka p,ina lbapleap sasm, adn termah,aui hahltguo nmya nriame poamcaymtits ultni eht siesead is dcaCavd.eCRn is a hgihyl vrlusaca urotm veh ndtiasta teh ranel ni nive pu ot %52 of  CIV urboitscotn nac rcocu deu ot iriualntmnal nsxtneeoi adn mhubotsr raitofnom, hertar hnta amss cefeft omfr eht orumt is. tfle

heT ocrtutbosni nca orucc aeuylct ro gyaualrdl oerv  teim. In hcciorn sesac, aarollclet ousvne iruatccioln mya odpveel based on the eits of the sct nobrtiu.o rtePnmoin odalaminb llortaela awcll insve, as in isth ,teaptni sgteugs oostcbnurti of hte preup etenmgs of hte CI.V

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nor16  hihg oblod preesu,rs ei.. ,yHinposrntee kirs aorftcs fro ar.helsto,c btrui !!! evor tlfe en,bmoad ndsoayecr art. s.iperentyoHn ethy awslya nwta eht enlra eayrtr ntoisess iekl( WvF ni g.oca +

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submitted by jackie_chan(34)
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I aaeopdphrc htsi sieouqnt saeebuc amn ihwt ratehr emxetre HNT nda nboadliam uitbr is ueqti enfot eranl snssioet

sAoL iapctrplo ralen couidnielrad ca'ssn ucitnonf si ialelyrtl ot asssse renal istnsose lkod(eo ti ,up ubt i did otn ownk ahtt enhw i dwsa)enre

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