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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#12 (reveal difficulty score)
A 55-year-old man with hypertension comes to ...
Left renal artery atherosclerosis 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by pg32(218)
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UdMoErl/wNB olev ot stet rnela yaerrt stessoin in the eittsgn of vehynitesepr cg.ueyyree/nrgcemn utsJ cabuese ihst ash eneb onde os anmy ,tsemi you acn ayballisc etg the trgih aenrsw rofm teh tifrs lafh fo teh .ountqise tP hwit ned onagr uessis aeadhhec,( sun)foinco and aelylr ghhi BP I( nkow ti is'nt /12,1008 btu it si ryleal ghh)i. So shit gyu lascyilba sha ensvpertyhie negerymc.e 'Im raydale khngitin 'ist leran rrayet .tiesosns eNxt steneen?c A urbit evor the ltfe .adnbeom nigoB. Rnlea ytaerr essnist,o tosm tnefo cdaesu yb rlrohecstesaosi ni elodr nme (sa cdemarop to omfsaurulrcib slspaayid in yeonrug .)wneom

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lovebug  He is haevy rseomk ,btu oN heitwg sl,os oN xiahceac -> so nca eb R/O feLt nrlae lcel ia.rmncoca is it rti?hg +
lovebug  soacuaerlnvR sd. F2A,091 gp .529 +
misrao  nda no tiauamrhe os ro/ CCR +
realnorthomfs  A0,2F02 pg 460 +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by necantoramericanus(3)
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Im ton yllaer sreu utb I ntikh het opint is htta iwht teh ctaorppli udoacrineild cnsa hreet is a ealyd ni fntiuonc fo het yni.ked hWat they eandwt us ot beeremrm erhe is atht wenh uyo evgi a " A "irlp to a tpnetai hitw aRnle rtreya shsotlrecesroia teh erlan tunncoif sowners caeebus hreet si ttonniiscorc of het eenffret oilraeetr

AF 2801 - 576

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kevin  teefnfer lidteas twih na AIE-C edu to loss of sennontaiig deedmiat nocotasiroticvsn +
skonys  hTis si an sedai tub ythe eolv itntgse nlaeR yrretA tnsoseSi in the xoetntc fo CEA trboIshiin ceeusba 'tis a doog yipshlgoyo en-.iti ,isFrt it shpel to wnko atth nnioisetnAg 'IsI rnetie lero ni teh hindkeyte/ sraeon ti eo,dvevl si to ntnmaiai FGR ni teh tntsieg fo wlo ekdiyn fposernui ipyevl(mchoo s.chok) tI reainletplefry rocvnssostitac eht fef lriore,eta cnanisrgie hte presresu tsju ritrnaoe to hte ociuol,scn tuhs nigcorf elratift otin smbaown uplscae estedip rethe eingb lsse dbloo uvmole nurginn rughhto hte tyre.ra In ieraaBltl alnRe tyerrA nstieo,sS mncintaneae fo eht FGR is lymcloepte ritnlea on gInIA ocitavnonsirscto of het trfefnee oeaetil.rr fI uyo veig meoneos na ECA iibti,onhr uyo aedesrec IIgAn and aldoesvita het fnfetree iera.lteor The ecfor atiinmiangn hte FGR is og,ne rpingitcitape errpna-el m.izaeato T'hast why pleoep wthi ptcuesdse nelaR AS eden to ahev rieht KC otrdmeoin ollsecy esauceb ti wlli ncreasie tarfe dsirgntiamitna adn CAE b.thoiirIn +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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tJus ldreizea htta alren clel aaoimccnr n'its eht rroctce enswra cb/ ti iedavdn teh vounes coultinrica dna nto the eratrli.a PB may tno eb etfefadc as .hmuc fi CCR eewr het raenws then ehtn rehet wdolu ahve eenb eedam eentpsr r/dnoa enarl TH.N

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sympathetikey  Aol,s tsju hkintgin out oud,l in teh saec of CR,C sit' the ndkeiy istesu as'tth pdiyscstal ;&pma nm,gvio os ilntlhcycae het lrean tyerar esiftl 'itsn csspaiyld,t ?hrtgi +
paperbackwriter  0@sees7rum0ul yver doog npoit eadgrrgni eht vnoues vs eralrait aicurlnicot ttah I elengectd ot srnd!iceo +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by rainlad(33)
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owH do we pienlax teh irtbu in hsti sac?e solA hyw 'stin it ftle earytr ry?nsmuae tahT semes ekil ti dwulo btteer npelixa eht irbut

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gdupgrant  Teh tbiru si lbaiyacsl sujt elnubttru lwf,o chihw is stmo lnoomycm cduase by tarery nrgiroawn. I swa sjut inegadr pd.clta3ctcaei6al/e4nnii.omlepec-i5h/e0c/ctmrds1meis/: on enral treary mseynura and it okosl lkei msot of eth iepehsntnyor si allyctua ltdraee ot a rpe ysumnrea sntso,sei os i nthik ssisoten is eth b"etr"et ran,swe .esp ceins het pt has elki yrvee ksri foctra for .snToieos ts eb tneohs I dah ont veer yarell gotthuh otuab ARA for hist asec usbceae burti voer AR sah bene illerdd tnio my dhea as aenrl rarety esnos,ist ubt i petpcearai geinse how itsh is a rpsue oebanaselr anwres - jtus eht teniosss is or"me l"eliyk +2

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submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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roF :CCR s(A pre UWOL)DR

emrmcSyti raaebllti roewl mxyrteiet ptignti damee dan tosuotru mdbloinaa vinse era cnnrigecon rfo irfrni aneo aevn avca ICV() ui,ocbostrnt h,whci in eht steingt fo a esdtdl-ief lkfna ,assm se grelstaguns lcle  a(cRaCi)crCmon hwit xostenien noti eth . VCI CRC asctocnu orf 9&%;tg0 fo lal iainansegmlc ainirgs ni hte inyekd nda si glihhy estdiacoas tihw o.kigmsn  a enstitP hwti RCC salalcyicls eavh a tadir of afkln ian,p aelalppb sms,a dan ama,urteih htgoaulh myan naeirm ctyaomitmsap inltu eht iessdae is dnCRdaae c.Cv si a hyglih vucasalr rmtou asttndviea h the anrel nv iein pu ot %25 of css a.e VCI ticnusobotr cna courc ude ot nnirutailaml neetsxino nad rusobthm aronomi,tf rhreta htan ssam ffeect fmro hte urmot seft .il

The ontctsirbou acn uorcc utaeycl ro aylrdgula oevr i mte. In ncirhoc sea,sc atrlellaco unosve tinaccliuor may evpldeo sedba on teh tsei fo the co utsbo.tinr ionertnmP inolbadma rll laaawcltole iv,ens as ni htis iaettn,p gegtuss soirnottubc of the urppe mgenest fo eht VIC.

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nor16  ihhg obold ursserep, yoserpn,nHeti rksi asocrft rof ht.saocel,r urbit !!! eovr tfel dnbm,oae ncdoysera atr. resnyte.iHonp ethy wysaal tawn teh lenar arytre ssenstoi eil(k FWv ni caog. ..)oesidd.rrs +

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submitted by jackie_chan(34)
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I hdacraeppo hsti euqsotni abeescu anm iwth tarerh etemxer TNH nda mboaniald tbiur is tqeiu ftnoe lnrea enitsoss

LoAs lcptiroap ralen dniiocealdur sasn'c fnuiocnt si itrllaely ot asssse areln osenstis kold(eo ti p,u but i ddi ont kwon htta hnew i awdr)snee

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