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 +21  upvote downvote
submitted by yotsubato(1208)
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lleW sahtt a raylel urced awy ot escnre for .sped..rinseo

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champagnesupernova3  'eTrshe alreyl no horet way to ays it titwohu nuisg seiupmmshe +4
drdoom  You nca’t ruel uot dculsiia ttshough iav cernefeni. +
drdoom  Y:RALWE idD yuo ksa het ieantpt if esh asw ?cdsluaii DOCT:OR ,Wlel u,m ,on not yclatxe — bt,u I e,nam hes dmeese ykoa .. +
drdoom  :YRWEAL ,oS a titpnea lkasw toin yrou i,fceof oyu ptesscu sopt amurpt edisopnser — a iidsongsa hwit onkwn eiuicds iksr — nda oyu idntd' sak if hse was aiu?dlsci +
drdoom  T:ORODC plug +
beetbox  drd@oom wwo ok wno hsit lilw citsk to em oefrvre. sAalwy ska yruo ptaiten os I nac iavdo !lwtsasui +1

NBME tends to focus on these rules for ethics questions: 1) ALWAYS acknowledge the pt's problem, distress, situation, etc. 2) NEVER ask the pt to lie 3) NEVER be a dick. The answer may sound robotic, but should never be mean. In this case, there's nothing more robotic than going directly from "I'm concerned" to "Have you considered suicide?" 4) NEVER refer the patient to another resource (in this case, the nurse, but could also be risk management, therapist, etc.) 5) COMMUNICATE with other clinicians/experts, etc. to resolve issues. Basically instead of referring the patient, you go to the resource yourself.

+4/- anjum(36)

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by consuela_salon(27)
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tawh I otg rofm tshi :utenioqs NREEV 99%( fo the i)tme reerf a eptnait to see ynneao

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madojo  I wsa nndvcieco shit noe asw het e,poiecnxt tbu sesug n,to ENVER EFRR!E +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by neonem(629)
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iThs si a ropmstupat modo a,tridsubcen a epttry oomcmn eddsrior tath hsa to hvae an neost iiwthn 4 wskee of yeivderl ot eb emerdt sa .schu suorpPmatt usleb si eth msto lm,di hwit a -%5805 ineiecncd erta er(p FA 8)0,21 yluslau slvoesre inthwi 10 dsya dna entrettam si nlyo evpsurtipo ubt ende ot -lpolfwuo ot esssas fro spseboli rsutappmto .dreopsisen Poamtupsrt epdirossen = 50%-11 rta,e ahedztrcreaci yb sdpdseree cafeft, yxieant, opro nottoncnecria rfo eatrgre tnah 2 sewke and edsen to be rdtteae /w TCB + .RISS I kitnh hte iqneouts si egtgtin at iecegnsnr for stih and a atloptleiyn orem eoilcpmrabt iicmpcao,lotn msotrpuatp yispo.ssch

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thisisfine   dFonu thsi icifdlutf cabeues AF recschietrzaa "toshhgut fo imarhng byba or se"lf as ppmotasutr ssiopychs - cihhw is resup aer,r nda 'netdso itf itsh seca. lsAo, TBC is sfitr ieln nteettamr orf pptsuramot isosnrepde - so I itlls kiel eth eforf ot reref ot a sheptatir as het steb +11
d_holles  maSe t.inshsfiei@ +2
chandlerbas  i see athw yerou ngiays tub ew housdl mkae uers hatt the omethr is vleia fro su to erefr to a tpea.trihs mbmeerre fi hess nliliwg ot harm eelfhsr tmso ykleli losa lnlwiig ot rham the teh teltli icteu sngiak fro cduilasi houhgtts nscrese for ssgenoirorp to tsop mputra psssicohy tiwh het iam to rtpvene the etnlinse :nteev hmra to the yabb +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by drzed(332)
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PSAISEGC caitreir: (1) finelge /eewhdel,mwvyerope )(2 ,ti/giiabtiyufelritar )(3 ahinodane, 4)( tulificdyf epnesl,gi )(5 "I elfe l"y.u,tig.. ofr a odpeir of 6 sweek = setem hte acirietr rof a sedsvpreie oi,dsepe dan nisec shit saw in eth stpo pautmr perod,i yma be psto uraptm esse.dpiron

Ntex ebts tsep si ot recens for uiladics o/uostghtaidnteih of ghinmra eht chi.ld

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by bbr(58)
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sH"a it eomc as a siserpru to you who hadr nrngteaip is? aMny leoepp flee taht y."wIa otdn' hnkti tsih altisdaev ither efegnil,s dna it luowd eakm emseono efle adlyb fi you adsi e"yh eeoevnry lsdea hiwt isht t"i.hs sAol siht wensra usefcod no ten,naiprg rtarhe athn hte stapcryhiic ncrocne martput(ops

"mi rcecnndeo obtua woh abd yovue' bnee nleeifg allt.y"e I tknih hsit dseo dnlcewkgoea heitr l,sgifeen dan osde hows atth eht yphsiacni si gngdea.e Yes, tis unlb.t But ta tis tros,w sit litls rmoe lpmcoete ahtn eth other oen.s

hTugo esquonti bseda no eu'yro rnediag .yelst

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drdoom  if a sdiesea or noydsmer hsa nnwok kirs of iud,iesc adn uyo fail to sassse for ti, at'sth eencggilen thabor (“if yuo ,tpsecus you smut ”tr)c!ptoe +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by an_improved_me(91)
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I lotytla teg woh akigns uboat ucis,eid dan iakgns abuot it irdyctle is tmint.arop tBu my uconsionf si hwo hsti nswrae 'ednots ieodrpv yna ogod gsee.u I twne whit ah"s ti ocme sa a .".rr.spieus eceusba i fgideur ttha wodlu dlne efltis lenyci ot hte anteipt noeinpg .up nWhe i flee it is ,aairirtppep i wudlo then rgbin up the snvcroanoiet tuboa lra,f-shme nmahirg eht ,aybb and uicd.sie utB as sit etnirw,t the ttaeinp llest uyo eyht leef ts,hyit and eht psicyahni vrey tiyceldr ssay "oww ouy lfee rtptye"th eSmes eyvr eitenvsnisi nad tno ipaltom for stohne oaoiiu.tmcnnmc

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an_improved_me  ,lAso ihwle i areh seom lepeop gsayin htat nimgka it seme eikl reh emplrosb en'rta wlel tahts taycaull the nptio in a tlo fo vtcnnaiorsose thwi np-t-ieats agknim meht lefe nto I 'otdn ktnih i lwodu eefl tagre nwgnoik atth all oethr rtapens annstyitl veol ireth i,skd nda vhea no bmeolspr gitakn reac fo e.thm Itd,nesa dI' natw ot elfe ikel vtaewher 'im egenifl i'tsn onrambla adn latu.rnuan I " feel iekl a bda t"pn;rae s"'ttah rae,r otsm oepple flee elik gaetr pnr"seta athskn" "dco. ks.eiY +1

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